Run the vsan.host_claim_disks_differently RVC command to mark storage devices as flash, capacity flash, or magnetic disk (HDD).

You can use the RVC tool to tag flash devices as capacity devices either individually, or in a batch by specifying the model of the device. When you want to tag flash devices as capacity devices, you can include them in all-flash disk groups.
Note: The vsan.host_claim_disks_differently command does not check the device type before tagging them. The command tags any device that you append with the capacity_flash command option, including the magnetic disks and devices that are already in use. Make sure that you verify the device status before tagging.
For information about the RVC commands for vSAN management, see the RVC Command Reference Guide.


  • Verify that you are using vSAN version 6.5 or later.
  • Verify that SSH is enabled on the vCenter Server.


  1. Open an SSH connection to the vCenter Server.
  2. Log in to the vCenter Server by using a local account that has administrator privilege.
  3. Start the RVC by running the following command.
    rvc local_user_name@target_vCenter_Server
    For example, to use the same vCenter Server to mark flash devices for capacity as a user root, run the following command:
    rvc root@localhost
  4. Enter the password for the user name.
  5. Navigate to the vcenter_server/data_center/computers/cluster/hosts directory in the vSphere infrastructure.
  6. Run the vsan.host_claim_disks_differently command with the --claim-type capacity_flash --model model_name options to mark all flash devices of the same model as capacity on all hosts in the cluster.
    vsan.host_claim_disks_differently --claim-type capacity_flash --model model_name *

What to do next

Enable vSAN on the cluster and claim capacity devices.