As a DevOps engineer you can update self-service namespaces using the kubectl edit command.


Verify that you have owner permissions on the namespace that you want to update.


  1. Log in to the Supervisor Cluster.
    kubectl vsphere login --server IP-ADDRESS-SUPERVISOR-CLUSTER --vsphere-username VCENTER-SSO-USERNAME
  2. Describe the namespace that you want to update.
    kubectl describe ns testns-1
    Name:         testns
    Labels:       vSphereClusterID=domain-c50
    Annotations:  my-ann: test-ann-2
                  vmware-system-namespace-owner-count: 2
                  vmware-system-resource-pool: resgroup-153
                  vmware-system-resource-pool-cpu-limit: 0.4770
                  vmware-system-resource-pool-memory-limit: 2000Mi
                  vmware-system-self-service-namespace: true
                  vmware-system-vm-folder: group-v154
    Status:       Active
    Resource Quotas
     Name:             testns-1
     Resource          Used  Hard
     --------          ---   ---  0     5000Mi
     Name:                                                                           testns-1-storagequota
     Resource                                                                        Used  Hard
     --------                                                                        ---   ---  0     9223372036854775807
  3. Edit the namespace using the kubectl edit command.
    For example, kubectl edit ns testns-1
    The kubectl edit command opens the namespace manifest in the text editor defined by your KUBE_EDITOR or the EDITOR environment variable.
  4. Update the labels.
    For example, my-label=test-label
  5. Update the annotations.
    For example, my-ann: test-ann
  6. Describe the namespace to see the updates.
    root@localhost [ /tmp ]# kubectl describe ns testns-1
    Name:         testns-1
    Labels:       my-label=test-label
    Annotations:  my-ann: test-ann
                  vmware-system-namespace-owner-count: 1
                  vmware-system-resource-pool: resgroup-173
                  vmware-system-resource-pool-cpu-limit: 0.4770
                  vmware-system-resource-pool-memory-limit: 2000Mi
                  vmware-system-self-service-namespace: true
                  vmware-system-vm-folder: group-v174
    Status:       Active
    Resource Quotas
     Name:             testns-1
     Resource          Used  Hard
     --------          ---   ---  0     5000Mi
     Name:                                                                           testns-1-storagequota
     Resource                                                                        Used  Hard
     --------                                                                        ---   ---  0     9223372036854775807
    No LimitRange resource.