You can configure limitations for pods running in the vSphere Namespace as well as limitations for various Kubernetes objects. The limitations that you configure for an object depend on the specifics of your applications and the way you want them to consume resources within a vSphere Namespace.


  • Verify that you have the Modify namespace configuration privilege on the Supervisor Cluster.


  1. From the vSphere Client home menu, select Workload Management.
  2. Select the vSphere Namespace to which you want to apply object or container restrictions.
  3. Select Configure and select Object Limits.
  4. Click Edit.
    Option Description
    vSphere Pods The number of vSphere Pods that can run in the vSphere Namespace.
    Deployments The number of deployments that can run in the vSphere Namespace.
    Jobs The number of jobs that can run in the vSphere Namespace.
    Daemon Sets The number of daemon sets that can run in the vSphere Namespace.
    Replica Sets The number of replica sets in the vSphere Namespace.
    Replication Controllers The number of replication controllers that can run in the vSphere Namespace.
    Stateful Sets The number of StatefulSets that can run in the vSphere Namespace.
    Config Maps The number of ConfigMaps that can run in the vSphere Namespace.
    Secrets The number of secrets that can run in the vSphere Namespace.
    Persistent Volume Claims The persistent volume claims that can exists in the vSphere Namespace.
    Services The services that can exists in the vSphere Namespace.