Optionally, you can deploy a cluster of three controller nodes. Configuring a cluster is recommended in production environments for HA and disaster recovery. If you are running a single node Avi Contoller you must use the Backup and Restore feature.

To run a three node cluster, after you deploy the first Controller VM, deploy and power on two more Controller VMs. You must not run the initial configuration wizard or change the admin password for these controllers. The configuration of the first controller VM is assigned to the two new Controller VMs.


  1. Go to Administration > Controller.
  2. Select Nodes.
  3. Click the edit icon.
  4. Add a static IP for Controller Cluster IP.
    This IP address must be from the Management Network.
  5. In Cluster Nodes, configure the two new cluster nodes.
    Option Description
    IP IP address of the controller node.
    Name Name of the node. The name can be the IP address.
    Password Password of the controller node. Leave the password empty.
    Public IP The public IP address of the controller node. Leave this empty.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: Once you deploy a cluster, you must use the controller cluster IP for any further configuration and not the controller node IP.