The TKGS API provides intelligent defaults and an array of options for customizing Tanzu Kubernetes clusters. Refer to the examples to provision clusters of various types with different configurations and customizations to meet your needs.
Example YAML for Provisioning a Default Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
The following example YAML provisions a default
Tanzu Kubernetes cluster using the TKGS
v1alpha2 API. This example YAML uses all available defaults and thus represents the minimal configuration required to provision a cluster.
apiVersion: kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster metadata: name: tkgs-v2-cluster-default namespace: tkgs-cluster-ns spec: topology: controlPlane: replicas: 3 vmClass: guaranteed-medium storageClass: vwt-storage-policy tkr: reference: name: v1.23.8---vmware.3-tkg.1 nodePools: - name: worker-nodepool-a1 replicas: 3 vmClass: guaranteed-large storageClass: vwt-storage-policy tkr: reference: name: v1.23.8---vmware.3-tkg.1
Example YAML for Provisioning a Custom Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
The following example YAML provisions a custom
Tanzu Kubernetes cluster using the
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service
v1alpha2 API. This example YAML specifies separate volumes for high-churn node components such as
and customizes certain storage and network settings.
apiVersion: kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster metadata: name: tkgs-v2-cluster-custom namespace: tkgs-cluster-ns spec: topology: controlPlane: replicas: 3 vmClass: guaranteed-medium storageClass: vwt-storage-policy tkr: reference: name: v1.23.8---vmware.3-tkg.1 nodePools: - name: worker-nodepool-a1 replicas: 3 vmClass: guaranteed-large storageClass: vwt-storage-policy volumes: - name: containerd mountPath: /var/lib/containerd capacity: storage: 16Gi tkr: reference: name: v1.23.8---vmware.3-tkg.1 - name: worker-nodepool-a2 replicas: 2 vmClass: guaranteed-medium storageClass: vwt-storage-policy tkr: reference: name: v1.23.8---vmware.3-tkg.1 - name: worker-nodepool-a3 replicas: 1 vmClass: guaranteed-small storageClass: vwt-storage-policy tkr: reference: name: v1.23.8---vmware.3-tkg.1 settings: storage: defaultClass: vwt-storage-policy network: cni: name: antrea services: cidrBlocks: [""] pods: cidrBlocks: [""] serviceDomain: cluster.local proxy: httpProxy: http://<user>:<pwd>@<ip>:<port> httpsProxy: http://<user>:<pwd>@<ip>:<port> noProxy: [,,] trust: additionalTrustedCAs: - name: CompanyInternalCA-1 data: LS0tLS1C...LS0tCg== - name: CompanyInternalCA-2 data: MTLtMT1C...MT0tPg==