As a vSphere administrator, you can create custom VM classes for VMs in a vSphere Namespace. After you create a VM class, you can edit its parameters. You can also edit default VM classes that vSphere with Tanzu offers. If you no longer need an existing VM class, you can delete it from your environment.

Editing a VM class does not result in automatic reconfiguring of the VMs that were previously deployed from this class. For example, if a DevOps user created a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster with the VM class and you later change the VM class definition, existing Tanzu Kubernetes VMs remain unaffected. New Tanzu Kubernetes VMs will use the modified class definition.
Caution: If you scale out a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster after editing a VM class used by that cluster, new cluster nodes use the updated class definition, but existing cluster nodes continue to use the initial class definition, resulting in a mismatch. Both control plane and worker nodes can be scaled. For information about scaling, Scale a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster Using the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service v1alpha1 API.

When you delete a VM class, it is removed from all associated namespaces. DevOps users can no longer self-service VMs using this VM class. VMs that have already been created with this VM class are not affected.


  • Verify that you have at least one VM class. See Create a VM Class in vSphere with Tanzu.
  • Required privileges:
    • Namespaces.Modify cluster-wide configuration
    • Namespaces.Modify namespace configuration
    • Virtual Machine Classes.Manage Virtual Machine Classes


  1. In the vSphere Client, display available VM classes.
    1. From the vSphere Client home menu, select Workload Management.
    2. Click the Services tab and click the VM Service pane.
    3. On the VM Service page, click VM Classes.
      All default or user-created VM classes appear under Available VM Classes.
  2. Edit or delete an existing VM class.
    Option Description
    Edit a VM class
    1. In the selected VM class pane, click Manage and click Edit.
    2. Modify the VM class parameters. See Attributes of VM Classes in vSphere with Tanzu.
      Note: You cannot change the name of the VM class.
    Delete a VM class
    1. In the selected VM class pane, click Manage and click Delete.
    2. Confirm that you want to delete the VM class.

What to do next

To make a VM class available to DevOps engineers, associate the VM class with a namespace. The association of the VM class occurs on a per namespace level. See Associate a VM Class with a Namespace in vSphere with Tanzu.