You can configure ESX agencies so that they only mark ESX agent virtual machines as available after the client of the agency has performed additional configuration after provisioning or powering on the ESX agent virtual machine.

You configure an ESX agency in the Agency.ConfigInfo object. You can set two options in Agency.ConfigInfo that set when ESX agents can be marked as available.

Table 1. ESX Agent Availability Options
Option Description
Boolean manuallyMarkAgentVmAvailableAfterProvisioning If set to true, the client of this ESX agency must manually mark the agent as ready after the ESX agent virtual machine has been provisioned. This is useful if the client of this solution performs some extra reconfiguration of the ESX agent virtual machine before it is powered on.
Boolean manuallyMarkAgentVmAvailableAfterPowerOn

If set to true, the client of this ESX agency must manually mark the agent as ready after the ESX agent virtual machine has been powered on. In this case, DRS will not regard the ESX agent virtual machine as ready until the client has marked the agent as ready.