You set properties in the Extension implementation to integrate a solution with the vCenter Server Extensions. Some of the properties that you set refer to data objects in the vSphere Management SDK that are specific to the vCenter Server Extensions.

For information about the properties and implementation details of each data object, see the VMware vSphere API Reference documentation.

Table 1. Data Objects in the vSphere Management SDK that relate to the vCenter Server Extensions
Data Object Description
ExtSolutionManagerInfo Provides an array of ExtSolutionManagerInfoTabInfo objects that implement the tabs that the solution adds to vCenter Server Extensions.
ExtExtendedProductInfo Provides URLs to information about the solution, such as the solution vendor's Web site, a management interface for the solution, and a description of the solution. Also provides links to the virtual machine or vApp that runs the solution.
ExtManagedEntityInfo Provides information about the objects that the solution manages, such as a description, an icon to represent the objects that the solution creates in the vCenter Server inventory, and the types of the objects.
ExtSolutionManagerInfoTabInfo Provides label for the solution in the Solutions portlet on the Summary page. You can also add URLs to the Web application.
ManagedByInfo Identifies types of virtual machine or vApp as belonging to a solution. You can configure the virtual machines or vApps that a solution deploys so that they appear in the vCenter Server inventory with special icons and descriptions. You can also warn users about performing operations on virtual machines or vApps that a solution manages.