The EAM Sample Solution optionally deploys an ESX agent virtual machine and a vSphere installation bundle (VIB).
Verify that you uninstalled the simple EAM Sample Solution that you deployed in Deploy ESX Agents from OVF Using the EAM Sample Solution.
Verify that you have configured the virtual infrastructure on which to deploy ESX agents.Important: If you have not configured the ESX agent network and datastore settings on the host, ESX Agent Manager sets the status to red and ESX agents do not deploy. See Configure the Virtual Infrastructure for ESX Agent Deployment.
You used the EAM Sample Solution to deploy an ESX agent from a VIB.
What to do next
Implement the features that the EAM Sample Solution demonstrates, and features that the sample does not demonstrate. You can experiment with solution development by modifying the EAM Sample Solution, rebuilding, and redeploying it.