If a solution deploys different types of virtual machine or vApp, you can provide a description for each type by setting the ExtManagedEntityInfo description property.
The text that you set in the ExtManagedEntityInfo description property allows you to add a description to the types of virtual machines or vApps that your solution deploys. If a solution deploys different types of virtual machine, you can create several ExtManagedEntityInfo instances, each with a different description.
Verify that you have set the managedBy property in the configuration of the virtual machines or vApps that an extension deploys. See Identify the Virtual Machines or vApps that an Extension Manages.
Verify that you have created an instance of ExtManagedEntityInfo in the program that defines an extension.
- ♦ Call the ExtManagedEntityInfo.setDescription() method to set the ExtManagedEntityInfo description property for a type of virtual machine or vApp that the solution deploys.
Extension extension = new Extension(); ExtManagedEntityInfo extManagedEntityInfo = new ExtManagedEntityInfo(); extManagedEntityInfo.setType("your_vm_type"); extManagedEntityInfo.setDescription("Description of this type of virtual machine or vApp."); extension.getManagedEntityInfo().add(extManagedEntityInfo);
You added a description to all virtual machines or vApps of a certain type that your solution deploys. The description appears in the vSphere Client when the solution registers with vCenter Server.