You can use some programming techniques to refine your vSphere SDK for Perl scripts. What to read next Creating and Using FiltersYou can use the vSphere SDK for Perl to define and use filters that select objects based on property values. Filters can reduce a large result set to only those objects with characteristics of interest to you. Filtering Views Selectively Using PropertiesEach Perl view object has properties that correspond to properties of server-side managed objects. Retrieve the ServiceInstance Object on a vSphere HostYou can retrieve the ServiceInstance object to access the ServiceContent or to retrieve the current time on an ESXi or vCenter Server system. Saving and Using SessionsThe vSphere SDK for Perl library includes several subroutines that save and reuse sessions, so you can maintain sessions across scripts. Using Multiple SessionsIn some cases, you might want to create sessions on several vSphere servers at once, or create more than one session on the same server. Learning About Object Structure Using Data::DumperThe vSphere SDK for Perl transparently uses the Data::Dumper Perl module, which is a standard library, to create the client-side view objects. Specifying Untyped Arguments in Scheduled Tasks and CallbacksBecause of the way vSphere SDK for Perl maps the vSphere API into Perl, you have to specify arguments to callback methods differently from the way you specify arguments to other methods. Using Advanced SubroutinesvSphere SDK for Perl includes one subroutine, Opts::get_config().