You can modify a data object's property value by passing a new value.

The following sample code shows how to pass the new value.

$data_object-> <property> (<new value>);

$data_object is a blessed reference to a Perl object or class name, and property is a method call on the object.

For example, you can change the force property to false, as follows.

$host_connect_spec->force ('false');

To create an enumeration data object, use a string value as the argument to the enumeration type's constructor.

my $power_state = VirtualMachinePowerState->new('poweredOff');

Typically, enumerations are used as arguments to methods.

  host => $target_host,
  priority => VirtualMachineMovePriority->new('defaultPriority'),
  state => VirtualMachinePowerState->new('poweredOff'),