The GenericOps module implements some of the generic operations specified in the WS-Management CIM bindings published by the DMTF.

Not all generic operations are implemented. The Perl module is located at Perl/lib/WSMan/

The WSBasic module discussed in SOAP Message Construction with WSMan::WSBasic provides more primitive intrinsic WS-Management operations. The GenericOps module requires the WSMan::WSBasic module.

Methods in WSMan::GenericOps lists the methods the GenericOps class provides, which are discussed in more detail below.

Table 1. Methods in WSMan::GenericOps
Method Description
WSMan::GenericOps->new Constructor.
register_xml_ns Registers extra XML namespaces that might be required for proprietary tags in the SOAP message.
register_class_ns Registers extra CIM namespaces that the WS-Management server might require.
Identify Performs the wsmid:Identify operation, which causes the WS-Management server to identify itself.
EnumerateInstances Enumerates the instances of a given class.
EnumerateInstanceNames Enumerates only the key values of the instances of a given class.
EnumerateAssociatedInstances Returns the instances related to the source object through an association.
EnumerateAssociatedInstanceNames Returns objects with only the key values of the associated instance populated.
EnumerateAssociationInstances Returns objects containing association instances of which the class is a part.
EnumerateAssociationInstanceNames Returns objects containing key values of the association instances of which the class is a part.
GetInstance Retrieves a particular instance of a class.