The vSphere SDK for Perl provides subroutines for accessing server-side inventory objects and other managed objects that provide functionality to the server as a whole.

Sample Script (Commented Version) obtains all entities of a specific type from the inventory. The entity type is passed as a parameter to the Vim::find_entity_views() subroutine, which returns an array of references to view objects that map to the corresponding server-side entities.

Following Changes in a Log File starts at the level of the entire service and uses the Vim::get_service_content() subroutine to obtain an instance of the ServiceContent object.

my $content = Vim::get_service_content();

You can use the ServiceContent object to retrieve a local view of the services provided by the server, as in this example.

my $diagMgr = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => $content->diagnosticManager);

Following Changes in a Log File shows how these two calls form the basis of a script that follows changes in the log file, which can be accessed as the logfile property of the diagnosticManager.

Following Changes in a Log File

# Copyright 2007 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This script creates a Perl object reference to the ServiceContent data
# object, and then creates a reference to the diagnosticManager. The script
# follows ('tails') the log as it changes.
use strict;
use warnings;

use VMware::VIRuntime;
# read/validate options and connect to the server

# get ServiceContent
my $content = Vim::get_service_content();
my $diagMgr = Vim::get_view(mo_ref => $content->diagnosticManager);
# Obtain the last line of the logfile by setting an arbitrarily large
# line number as the starting point
my $log = $diagMgr->BrowseDiagnosticLog(
   key => "hostd",
   start => "999999999");
my $lineEnd = $log->lineEnd;

# Get the last 5 lines of the log first, and then check every 2 seconds
# to see if the log size has increased.
my $start = $lineEnd - 5;

# Disconnect on receipt of an interrupt signal while in the infinite loop below.
$SIG{INT} = sub { Util::disconnect();

while (1) {
 $log = $diagMgr->BrowseDiagnosticLog(
   key => "hostd",
   start => $start);
 if ($log->lineStart != 0) {
  foreach my $line (@{$log->lineText}) {
  # next if ($line =~ /verbose\]/);
  print "$line\n";
 $start = $log->lineEnd + 1;
 sleep 2;