The following example shows the result of probing the LAMP.ovf package.

OVF version:   1.0
VirtualApp:    true
Name:          LAMP running PHP-Fusion
Version:       0.1
Vendor:        VMware Aarhus
Product URL:

Annotation:  This vApp offers the programming environment stack: Linux, Apache,
           MySQL and PHP programming environment -- LAMP. More specifically
           the vApp contains a Database server running MySQL and Web server
           VM running Apache2 and PHP.

End-user License Agreements:

  EULA for LAMP.

Download Size:   604.07 MB

Deployment Sizes:
Flat disks:     16.00 GB
Sparse disks:   Unknown
Name:        VM Network
Description: The VM Network network

Virtual Hardware:
Family:       vmx-04
Disk Types:   SCSI-lsilogic

Key:         db_ip
Label:       IP address
Type:        ip:VM Network
Description: The IP address of the database server.

Key:         ws_ip
Label:       IP address
Type:        ip:VM Network
Description: The IP address of the Web server.

IP Allocation Policy:
Schemes:     ovfenv dhcp
Protocols:   IPv4