To convert an OVF package to VMware runtime format (.vmx and .vmdk files), use the following syntax:

> ovftool x:/myvms/BigDemo.vmx

Because the source is an OVF package, you can specify it as a URL or a local file path.

If you convert an OVF package to a VMX format without specifying the target directory, OVF Tool creates a directory using the OVF package name and writes the .vmx and .vmdk files in it.

> ovftool "Windows 7.ovf" .

The VMX file is written at Windows 7/Windows 7.vmx.

You can also convert from an ovf format to a vmx format using a URL, as shown:

> ovftool https://my_ovf_server/ovfs/my_vapp.ova /vm/my_vm.vmx