The VMware online depot, the vendor online depots, and the UMDS depot must be synchronized regularly if you want to have the most recent software updates delivered by VMware, partners, and other third-party vendors. Use the vSphere Automation APIs to create a synchronization schedule or to synchronize the added depot immediately.

The Depot Manager does not synchronize immediately the metadata of the newly added online and UMDS depots. If you want to force the synchronization and not wait for the scheduled synchronization to take place, use the POST https://<vcenter_ip_address_or_fqdn>/api/esx/settings/depots?action=sync&vmw-task=true request. . You can also define a custom schedule to sync the metadata from the currently configured online or UMDS depots.

To create a custom schedule for checking for new software updates, you must first define the schedule parameters by using the SyncSchedule.Schedule data structure.. Then you can add the schedule to the schedule specification by using the SyncSchedule.Spec data structure.. Optionally, you can use the schedule specification to add an email to which notifications will be sent and define whether updates will be downloaded automatically. To apply the custom schedule, use the PUT https://<vcenter_ip_address_or_fqdn>/api/esx/settings/depots/sync-schedule request and submit the SyncSchedule.Spec JSON object in the request body.

The default schedule is set to update the metadata daily at a random time. To reset the schedule to the default settings, use the PUT https://<vcenter_ip_address_or_fqdn>/api/esx/settings/depots/sync-schedule and leave the SyncSchedule.Spec data structure unset..