You can use HTTP requests to perform vSphere Native Key Provider management operations.

You can add, update, and remove vSphere Native Key Providers. Some operations require you to specify parameters in the body of the HTTP request according to your environment. For details about the syntax of each HTTP request body, see the API Reference documentation.


  1. Add a vSphere Native Key Provider by specifying the provider ID in the request body.
    POST https://<vcenter_ip_address_or_fqdn>/api/vcenter/crypto-manager/kms/providers
    The following request body contains example syntax.
        "native_spec": {
        "provider": Test_Provider
  2. Update a vSphere Native Key Provider by specifying the new provider configuration in the request body.
    PATCH https://<vcenter_ip_address_or_fqdn>/api/vcenter/crypto-manager/kms/providers/<provider>
  3. Remove a vSphere Native Key Provider.
    DELETE https://<vcenter_ip_address_or_fqdn>/api/vcenter/crypto-manager/kms/providers/<provider>