If you use the vSphere networking stack for workload management, you can install and configure the NSX Advanced Load Balancer, also known as Avi Load Balancer, Essentials Edition, to support the Tanzu Kubernetes clusters.

For more information about how to install and configure the NSX Advanced Load Balancerthrough the vSphere Client, see the Installing and Configuring vSphere IaaS Control Plane documentation.

You can use the vSphere Automation APIs to deploy the Avi Controller on your vSphere Management network. You can upload the latest version of the NSX Advanced Load Balancer to a library item from your local file system or from a URL. For more information about how to achieve this task, see Upload an OVF or OVA Package from a Local File System to a Library Item. Then you can deploy the Controller VM on your vSphere Management network from the OVA template in the content library as described in Deploy a Virtual Machine or vApp from an OVF Template in a Content Library.

To configure the NSX Advanced Load Balancer, send a PUT https://<vcenter_ip_address_or_fqdn>/api/vcenter/namespace-management/clusters/<cluster_id>/load-balancers/<loadbalancer_id> request and submit a LoadBalancers.SetSpec JSON object in the request body. You can define the following NSX Advanced Load Balancer settings within the LoadBalancers.AviConfigSetSpec data structure which is an optional property of the LoadBalancers.SetSpec data structure.

Parameter Description
server The address of the Avi Controller that is used to configure virtual services.
username The administrator user name that is used for accessing the Controller VM of the NSX Advanced Load Balancer.
password The password for the administrator user name.
certificate_authority_chain The certificate in PEM format that is used by the Controller. You can use the certificate that you assigned during the configuration of the NSX Advanced Load Balancer.