You can exchange the JWT tokens that you obtained from the authorization server for a vCenter Server SAML token and create an authenticated session.


  • You must have a valid access and ID token (in JWT format) from the authorization server (AD FS or VMware Identity Broker - vCenter Server) for the user or application you want to authenticate.


  1. Send the JWT tokens to vCenter Single Sign-On by using the Token interface of the com.vmware.vcenter.authentication package.
    1. Create an object of type TokenTypes.IssueSpec with the following modifiers.
      Method Value
      setSubjectTokenType urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token
      setSubjectToken <ACCESS_TOKEN>
      setActorTokenType urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token
      setActorToken <ID_TOKEN>
      setGrantType urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange
      setRequestedTokenType urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2
    2. Call the issue(TokenTypes.IssueSpec) method
    On success, vCenter Single Sign-On returns a TokenInfo object containing the SAML token.
  2. Prepare the SAML token for the API call.
    Base-64 decode the SAML token, compress it, and then Base-64 encode it again.
  3. To obtain a session identifier, call the session.create() method with the SAML token.
    On success, the vSphere Automation API returns a session identifier.
  4. To authenticate, add the session identifier to your security context instance.