You can query the hardware compatibility for a host before upgrading to a new ESXi version. You can also download the information generated by the hardware compatibility report.
To use services form the com.vmware.esx.hcl.hosts package, you must verify that you have accepted to participate in the CEIP and there is available compatibility data.
You can use the com.vmware.esx.hcl.hosts.CompatibilityReleases interface to list available releases for generating a compatibility report for a specific ESXi host. To list the locally available ESXi releases for the host that can be used to generate a compatibility report, call the list(host_ID) method. The list includes only major and update releases. Patch releases are not listed.
You can use the com.vmware.esx.hcl.hosts.CompatibilityReport interface to generate a hardware compatibility report for an ESXi host against a specific ESXi release. To return the last generated hardware compatibility report for a specific host, call the get(host_ID) method. To generate a hardware compatibility report for a specific host against specific ESXi release, call the create_Task(host_ID,spec) method.
You can use the com.vmware.esx.hcl.Reports interface to download information generated by the hardware compatibility report. To retrieve the URI location for downloading a compatibility report, call the get(report_ID) method.