This example shows the use of Python with the vSphere Automation SDK for Python to view recent statistics for the vCenter database usage in vCenter Server. The example assumes a previously existing session with the vSphere Automation API endpoint.

This example requests statistics at 30-minute intervals for a recent 2-hour report period. The example requests the storage used by the inventory component and the storage used by the combination of statistics, events, alarms, and tasks. The example adds the two values to calculate the vCenter Server database usage in each 30-minute roll-up interval, and then reports the maximum size found over the 2-hour report period.

from com.vmware import appliance_client
import datetime

# This example assumes you have previously created a session
# and stored the session ID in my_stub_config.

# Issue request for core inventory and 'SEAT' (stats, events, & alarms) usage.
req = appliance_client.Monitoring.MonitoredItemDataRequest()
req.names = ['storage.used.filesystem.vcdb_core_inventory',
req.interval = appliance_client.Monitoring.IntervalType.MINUTES30
req.function = appliance_client.Monitoring.FunctionType.MAX
d_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
 req.start_time = d_now - datetime.timedelta( minutes=135 )
 req.end_time = d_now - datetime.timedelta( minutes=15 )
 Monitoring_stub = appliance_client.Monitoring( my_stub_config )
 resp = Monitoring_stub.query( req )

 # Extract resulting arrays.
 core_sizes = resp[0].data
 seat_sizes = resp[1].data
 # Remove empty data points:
 core_sizes = filter( (lambda x: x != ''), core_sizes )
 seat_sizes = filter( (lambda x: x != ''), seat_sizes )

 # Add the usage stats for each interval, and display maximum usage.
 highest = max( map( (lambda a,b: int(a) + int(b)),
                      core_sizes, seat_sizes ) )
 print( 'vCenter database inventory + stats, events, alarms, tasks:' +
         ' (max) size = {0} KB'.format( highest ) )