With vSphere 8.0, you can customize the branding of the VMware Host Client UI and the way it looks and displays content.

You can choose among three preset themes - light, dark, and classic, and apply a theme to the VMware Host Client, based on your preferences.


  1. On the VMware Host Client toolbar, click Help and click About.
    The About window appears.
  2. From the UI Preferences Theme drop-down menu, select the theme that you want to apply.
  3. To change the theme name and modify up to 10 parameters of the theme you select, click the Customize button.

    Customize the User Theme of the VMware Host Client

    1. In the Theme name field, enter a custom name of the theme.
    2. To select a custom color for each parameter, click the colored box in front of each parameter, select a color, and click Enable.
    1. To revert to the default palette, click the Reset button.