Before you can run vSphere ESXi Image Builder cmdlets, you must install PowerCLI and all prerequisite software.


Before you can run vSphere ESXi Image Builder cmdlets, you must install PowerCLI and all prerequisite software. The vSphere ESXi Image Builder snap-in is included with the PowerCLI installation. If you want to manage vSphere ESXi Image Builder with PowerCLI cmdlets, verify that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or 4.5.x and Windows PowerShell 3.0 or 4.0 are installed on a Microsoft Windows system. See the PowerCLI User's Guide.


  1. Open PowerShell on your workstation.
  2. Download a version of PowerCLI later than PowerCLI 6.5R1 from the PowerCLI home page.
  3. To install all PowerCLI modules, run the command: Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser. Alternatively, you can install individual PowerCLI modules by running the Install-Module cmdlet with the module name.If you see a warning that you are installing modules from an untrusted repository, press y and then press Enter to confirm the installation.

    You can verify that the PowerCLI module is available by using the command

    Get-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI* -ListAvailable.

What to do next

Review Using VMware.Image Builder Cmdlets. If you are new to PowerCLI, read the PowerCLIUser's Guide.

Use vSphere ESXi Image Builder cmdlets and other PowerCLI cmdlets and PowerShell cmdlets to manage image profiles and VIBs. Use Get-Help cmdlet_name at any time for command-line help.

Configure the vSphere ESXi Image Builder

Before you can use vSphere ESXi Image Builder with the vSphere Client, you must verify that the service is enabled and running.


  • Verify that you have enough storage for the vSphere Auto Deploy repository. The vSphere Auto Deploy server uses the repository to store data it needs, including the rules and rule sets you create and the VIBs and image profiles that you specify in your rules.

    Best practice is to allocate 2 GB to have enough room for four image profiles and some extra space. Each image profile requires approximately 400 MB. Determine how much space to reserve for the vSphere Auto Deploy repository by considering how many image profiles you expect to use.


  1. Navigate to Home > Auto Deploy.
    By default, only the administrator role has privileges to use the vSphere Auto Deploy service.
  2. On the Auto Deploy page, select your vCenter Server from the drop-down menu at the top.
  3. Click Enable Image Builder to activate the service.
    The Software Depots tab appears.

What to do next

  • You can change the default configuration properties of the Image Builder Service. For more information, see "Configuring vCenter Server" in the vCenter Server and Host Management documentation.