This procedure resolves compliance failures for SAN boot LUN devices shared across the cluster, but logically local to the ESXihost.

To avoid this compliance failure from occurring, set the Device is shared clusterwide value to  False before extracting the host profile from the reference host. You can deactivate the value by using the command esxcli storage core device setconfig -d naa.xxxx --shared-clusterwide=false, where naa.xxxx is the unique device identifier generated in naa format.


Extract a host profile from a reference host. See How Do You Create a vSphere Host Profile? for instructions.


  1. Navigate to Host Profiles main view and select the host profile that you want to edit.
  2. Click the Configure tab, and click Edit Host Profile.
  3. Select Storage configuration > Pluggable Storage Architecture configuration > PSA device sharing > name of device
  4. Deactivate the Device is shared clusterwide in the host profile by deselecting the check box.

    When applying the host profile to the target host, the boot device settings for the remote boot LUN device are copied from the reference host into the target host.

  5. (Optional) Select Storage configuration > Pluggable Storage Architecture configuration > Host boot device configuration and verify that the boot LUN ID is correctly captured.
  6. Remediate the host profile to the reference host for the changes to take effect.
    If you must re-extract the host profile (for example, if you attach more shared SAN boot LUNs to your cluster), you do not need to reconfigure the Device is Shared Clusterwide setting for devices that you previously configured through ESXCLI.