In vSphere 8.0 release, the UMDS 8.0 is bundled with the vCenter Server appliance 8.0. You can use the UMDS bundle from the vCenter Server appliance to install UMDS 8.0 on a separate Linux-based system.

UMDS is a 64-bit application and requires a 64-bit Linux-based system.

Note: You cannot upgrade UMDS that runs on a Linux-based operating system. You can uninstall the current version of UMDS, perform a fresh installation of UMDS according to all system requirements, and use the existing patch store from the UMDS that you uninstalled.

Supported Linux-Based Operating Systems for Installing UMDS

The Update Manager Download Service (UMDS) can run on a limited number of Linux-based operating systems.

  • VMware Photon™ 5.0
  • Ubuntu 14.0.4
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1
    Note: When you use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1, you must install the libnsl package version 2.28 or later on the system where UMDS is deployed. If the package is not present on the system, UMDS operations might fail with the following error:
    Error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2

Install UMDS on a Linux OS

If the vCenter Server appliance 8.0 where vSphere Lifecycle Manager runs does not have access to the Internet, you can install UMDS on a Linux-based operating system to download update binaries and metadata.


  • Verify you have administrative privileges on the Linux machine where you install the UMDS.
  • Mount the ISO file of the vCenter Server appliance 8.0 to the Linux machine.


  1. In the Linux machine, open the Command Shell.
  2. From the vCenter Server ISO that you mounted to the Linux machine, copy the VMware-UMDS-8.0.1-build_number.tar.gz file to the Linux machine.
  3. Unarchive the VMware-UMDS-8.0.1-build_number.tar.gz file by running tar -xvzf VMware-UMDS-8.0.1-build_number.tar.gz and navigate to the newly extracted directory /vmware-umds-distrib.
    For example, if you unarchived the VMware-UMDS-8.0.1-build_number.tar.gz file, to a directory you created with the name umds, your navigation path is /umds/vmware-umds-distrib.
  4. Run the file UMDS installation script.
    The script has the following file name:
  5. Read and accept the EULA.
  6. Select a directory where to install the UMDS.
    The default UMDS installation location is usr/local/vmware-umds.
  7. Enter the UMDS proxy settings.
    You can also change proxy configuration after you install UMDS by using the following command:
    vmware-umds -S --proxy <proxyAddress:port>
  8. Select a directory where to store the patches.
    Important: The patch store directory must be different from the UMDS installation directory. The default patch store location is /var/lib/vmware-umds.


UMDS is installed.

Uninstall UMDS from a Linux OS

To use the latest UMDS version on your Linux-based system, you must first uninstall the current version of UMDS. No direct upgrade path is available to a later version of UMDS.


  • Verify you have administrative privileges on the Linux machine where UMDS runs.


  1. In the Linux machine, open the Command Shell.
  2. Navigate to the UMDS installation directory, and locate the file
    The default UMDS installation location is usr/local/vmware-umds.
  3. Run the ./ command.
  4. To confirm that you want to uninstall UMDS from the system, enter Yes.
    The UMDS uninstallation procedure starts.
  5. (Optional) Remove PostgreSQL Database from you Linux machine.
    For information about uninstalling PostgreSQL Database, go to the official PostgreSQL documentation.


UMDS is uninstalled from the Linux system.

What to do next

You can upgrade your Linux OS, and install a later compatible version of UMDS.