The cluster charts contain information about CPU, disk, memory, and network usage for clusters. The help topic for each chart contains information about the data counters displayed in that chart. The collection level set for vCenter Server determines the available counters.
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CPU (MHz) The CPU (MHz) chart displays CPU usage for the cluster.
CPU Usage The cluster CPU Usage charts monitor the CPU utilization of the hosts, resource pools, and virtual machines in the cluster. This chart displays the 10 child objects in the cluster with the most CPU usage.
Disk (KBps) The Disk (KBps) chart displays the disk I/O of the 10 hosts in the cluster with the most disk usage.
Memory (MB) The Memory (MB) chart displays consumed memory for the cluster. The chart appears only at collection level 1.
Memory (MB) The Memory (MB) chart displays memory data counters for clusters. The chart appears at all collection levels except level 1.
Memory Consumed The Memory Consumed chart displays memory usage for the 10 child objects in the cluster with the most consumed memory.
Network (Mbps) The Network (Mbps) chart displays network speed for the 10 hosts in the cluster with the most network usage.