The performance chart options that you can access under the View menu vary depending on the type of inventory object you select.

For example, the Virtual Machines view is available when you view host performance charts only if there are virtual machines on the selected host. Likewise, the Fault Tolerance view for virtual machine performance charts is available only when that feature is enabled for the selected virtual machine.

Table 1. Performance Chart Views by Inventory Object
Object View List Items
Data center
  • Storage - space utilization charts for datastores in the data center, including space by file type and storage space used by each datastore in the data center.
  • Clusters - thumbnail CPU and memory charts for each cluster, and stacked charts for total CPU and memory usage in the data center. This view is the default.
Datastore and datastore cluster
  • Space - space utilization charts for the datastore:
    • space utilization by file type
    • space utilization by virtual machine
    • space usage
  • Performance - performance charts for the datastore or datastore cluster and for virtual machine disks on the resource.
Note: The Performance view for datastores is only available when all hosts that are connected to the datastores are ESX/ESXi 4.1 or greater. The Performance view for datastore clusters is only available when the Storage DRS is enabled.
  • Home - CPU and memory charts for the cluster.
  • Resource Pools & Virtual Machines - thumbnail charts for resource pools and virtual machines, and stacked charts for total CPU and memory usage in the cluster.
  • Hosts - thumbnail charts for each host in the cluster, and stacked charts for total CPU, memory, disk usage, and network usage.
  • Home - CPU, memory, disk, GPU compute, GPU memory and network charts for the host.
  • Virtual Machines - thumbnail charts for virtual machines, and stacked charts for total CPU usage and total memory usage on the host.
  • Disks - read rates, write rates, and disk usage for the host.
  • Network Adapters - network bandwidth on a host.
  • GPUs - thumbnail charts for GPUs compute usage, memory allocation, and temperature.
Resource Pool and vApps
  • Home - CPU and memory charts for the resource pool.
  • Resource Pools & Virtual Machines - thumbnail charts for resource pools, and virtual machines and stacked charts for CPU and memory usage in the resource pool or vApp.
Virtual Machine
  • Storage - space utilization charts for the virtual machine: space by file type, space by datastore, and total gigabytes.
  • Fault Tolerance - CPU and memory charts that display comparative metrics for the fault-tolerant primary and secondary virtual machines.
  • Home - CPU, memory, network, host (thumbnail charts), and disk usage charts for the virtual machine.