In replay mode, esxtop replays resource utilization statistics collected using vm-support.

After you prepare for replay mode, you can use esxtop in this mode. See the vm-support man page.

In replay mode, esxtop accepts the same set of interactive commands as in interactive mode and runs until no more snapshots are collected by vm-support to be read or until the requested number of iterations are completed.

Prepare for Replay Mode

To run in replay mode, you must prepare for replay mode.


  1. Run vm-support in snapshot mode in the ESXi Shell.
    Use the following command.
    vm-support -p -i interval -d duration 
  2. Unzip and untar the resulting tar file so that esxtop can use it in replay mode.


You can now use esxtop in replay mode.

Use esxtop in Replay Mode

You can use esxtop in replay mode.

Replay mode can be run to produce output in the same style as batch mode (see the command-line option b, below).
Note: Batch output from esxtop cannot be played back by resxtop.

Snapshots collected by vm-supported can be replayed by esxtop. However, vm-support output generated by ESXi can be replayed only by esxtop running on the same version of ESXi.


  • To activate replay mode, enter the following at the command-line prompt.
    esxtop -R vm-support_dir_path

Replay Mode Command-Line Options

You can use replay mode with command-line options.

The following table lists the command-line options available for esxtop replay mode.

Table 1. Command-Line Options in Replay Mode
Option Description
R Path to the vm-support collected snapshot’s directory.
a Show all statistics. This option overrides configuration file setups and shows all statistics. The configuration file can be the default ~/.esxtop50rc configuration file or a user-defined configuration file.
b Runs esxtop in Batch mode.
c filename Load a user-defined configuration file. If the -c option is not used, the default configuration filename is ~/.esxtop50rc. Create your own configuration file and specify a different filename using the W single-key interactive command.
d Specifies the delay between panel updates. The default is five seconds. The minimum is two seconds. If a delay of less than two seconds is specified, the delay is set to two seconds.
n Number of iterations esxtop updates the display this number of times and then exits.