The pktcap-uw utility supports capture points that can be used only when you monitor uplink, VMkernel or virtual machine traffic, and capture points that represent special places in the stack that are not related to the adapter type.

Capture Points That Are Relevant to Physical Adapter Traffic

The pktcap-uw --uplink vmnicX command supports capture points for functions that handle traffic at a specific place and direction in the path between the physical adapter and the virtual switch.

Capture Point Description
UplinkRcv The function that receives packets from the physical adapter.
UplinkSnd The function that sends packets to the physical adapter.
PortInput The function that passes a list of packets from UplinkRcv to a port on the virtual switch.
PortOutput The function that passes a list of packets from a port on the virtual switch to the UplinkSnd point.

Capture Points That Are Relevant to Virtual Machine Traffic

The pktcap-uw --switchport vmxnet3_port_ID command supports capture points for functions that handle traffic packets at a specific place and direction in the path between a VMXNET3 adapter and a virtual switch.

Capture Point Description
VnicRx The function in the virtual machine NIC backend that receives packets from the virtual switch.
VnicTx The function in the virtual machine NIC backend that sends packets from the virtual machine to the virtual switch.
PortOutput The function that passes a list of packets from a port on the virtual switch to Vmxnet3Rx.
PortInput The function that passes a list of packets from Vmxnet3Tx to a port on the virtual switch. Default capture point for traffic related to a VMXNET3 adapter.

Capture Points That Are Relevant to VMkernel Adapter Traffic

The pktcap-uw --vmk vmkX and pktcap-uw --switchport vmkernel_adapter_port_ID commands support capture points that represent functions at a specific place and direction in the path between a VMkernel adapter and a virtual switch.

Capture Point Description
PortOutput The function that passes a list of packets from a port on the virtual switch to the VMkernel adapter.
PortInput The function that passes a list of packets from the VMkernel adapter to a port on the virtual switch. Default capture point for traffic related to a VMkernel adapter.

Capture Points That Are Relevant to Distributed Virtual Filters

The pktcap-uw --dvfilter divfilter_name command requires a capture point that indicates whether to capture packets when they enter the DVFilter or when they leave it.

Capture Point Description
PreDVFilter The point before a DVFilter intercepts a packet.
PostDVFilter The point after a DVFilter intercepts a packet.

Standalone Capture Points

Certain capture points are mapped directly to the network stack rather than to a physical, VMkernel or VMXNET3 adapter.

Capture Point Description
Drop Captures dropped packets and shows the place where drops occur.
TcpipDispatch Capture packets at the function that dispatches traffic to the TCP/IP stack of the VMkernel from the virtual switch, and the reverse.
PktFree Capture packets right before they are released.
VdrRxLeaf Capture packets at the receive leaf I/O chain of a dynamic router in VMware NSX. Use this capture point together with the --lifID option.
VdrRxTerminal Capture packets at the receive terminal I/O chain of a dynamic router in VMware NSX. Use this capture point together with the --lifID option.
VdrTxLeaf Capture packets at the transmit leaf I/O chain of a dynamic router in VMware NSX. Use this capture point together with the --lifID option.
VdrTxTerminal Capture packets at the transmit terminal I/O chain of a dynamic router in VMware NSX. Use this capture point together with the --lifID option.

For information about dynamic routers, see the VMware NSX documentation.