You can use the advanced virtual machine attributes to customize virtual machine configuration.

Table 1. Advanced Virtual Machine Attributes
Attribute Description Default
sched.mem.maxmemctl Maximum amount of memory reclaimed from the selected virtual machine by ballooning, in megabytes (MB). If the ESXi host needs to reclaim additional memory, it is forced to swap. Swapping is less desirable than ballooning. -1 (Unlimited)

Enables memory sharing for a selected virtual machine.

This boolean value defaults to True. If you set it to False for a virtual machine, this turns off memory sharing.

sched.mem.pshare.salt A salt value is a configurable VMX option for each virtual machine. If this option is not present in the virtual machine's VMX file, then the value of vc.uuid vmx option is taken as the default value. Since the vc.uuid is unique to each virtual machine, by default transparent page sharing happens only among the pages belonging to a particular virtual machine (intra-VM). If a group of virtual machines are considered trustworthy, it is possible to share pages among them by setting a common salt value for all of those virtual machines (inter-VM). user configurable
sched.swap.persist Specifies whether the virtual machine’s swap files should persist or be deleted when the virtual machine is powered off. By default, the system creates the swap file for a virtual machine when the virtual machine is powered on, and deletes the swap file when the virtual machine is powered off. False
sched.swap.dir Directory location of the virtual machine's swap file. Defaults to the virtual machine's working directory, that is, the directory that contains its configuration file. This directory must remain on a host that is accessible to the virtual machine. If you move the virtual machine (or any clones created from it), you might need to reset this attribute. Equals workingDir