These security controls provide a baseline set of guest operating system best practices. They are structured in a way that explains the benefits and tradeoffs of implementing the control. To make changes to these controls, use either the PowerCLI provided or the vSphere Client.

Variable Used

The PowerCLI commands in this section use the following variable:

  • $VM = "virtual_machine_name"

VMware Tools Path

The default installation path for VMware Tools is C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools.

Configure Guest Operating System Secure Boot

The guest operating system must enable Secure Boot.

Secure Boot, supported by all modern guest operating systems, uses public key cryptography to validate firmware, boot loader, drivers, and OS kernel. By preventing system booting with uncertain boot chain validity, Secure Boot effectively restricts malware.

Installation Default Value: Site-specific
Baseline Suggested Value: True
Action Needed
Modify the installation default value.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Enabling Secure Boot after installing a guest operating system might involve more steps. Refer to your guest operating system documentation for instructions.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
(Get-VM -Name $VM).ExtensionData.Config.BootOptions.EfiSecureBootEnabled 
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
$VMobj = (Get-VM -Name $VM)
$ConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$bootOptions = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineBootOptions
$bootOptions.EfiSecureBootEnabled = $true
$ConfigSpec.BootOptions = $bootOptions
$task = $VMobj.ExtensionData.ReconfigVM_Task($ConfigSpec)
Setting Location in the vSphere Client
Virtual machine > Edit Settings > VM Options

Limit the Use of MSI Transforms

The guest operating must limit the use of MSI transforms when reconfiguring VMware Tools.

MSI transforms allow the installation database on Microsoft Windows guest operating systems to be changed. This can be helpful but also presents an opportunity to alter the security profile of the guest operating system from vSphere.

Installation Default Value: False
Baseline Suggested Value: False
Action Needed
Audit the installation default value.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Administrators must use other methods to update and reconfigure VMware Tools when needed.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get autoupgrade allow-msi-transforms
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set autoupgrade allow-msi-transforms false
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Deactivate Appinfo

The guest operating system must deactivate Appinfo information gathering unless required.

Appinfo is a method to do application discovery through VMware Tools. If you are not using this tool, deactivate the module to reduce attack surface.

Installation Default Value Value: False
Baseline Suggested Value: True
Action Needed
Modify the installation default.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Products and services within the VMware ecosystem might require this functionality.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get appinfo disabled
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set appinfo disabled true
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Deactivate ContainerInfo

The guest operating system must deactivate ContainerInfo unless required.

The VMware Tools ContainerInfo plug-in for Linux gathers the list of running containers inside a Linux guest operating system.

Installation Default Value: 21600
Baseline Suggested Value: 0
Action Needed
Modify the installation default.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Products and services within the VMware ecosystem might require this functionality.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get containerinfo poll-interval
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set containerinfo poll-interval 0
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Deactivate Guest Operations

Deactivate Guest Operations unless required.

Guest Operations are a set of functions that underpin most host-to-guest interaction. Deactivating them reduces attack surface but also drastically reduces functionality. Ensure that your environment does not require these functions. Do not deactivate guest operations on template virtual machines.

For a list of functions see the following documentation:

Installation Default Value: False
Baseline Suggested Value: True
Action Needed
Modify the installation default.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Products and services within the VMware ecosystem might require this functionality.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get guestoperations disabled
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set guestoperations disabled true
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Prevent Guest Operating System Recustomization

You must prevent the guest operating system on deployed and customized virtual machines from being recustomized.

The virtual machine deployment process offers many options for vSphere administrators to customize virtual machines by using scripts and running commands. These customization approaches can also be an avenue for an adversary to gain access to data inside a virtual machine, through cloning and recustomization. After deploying a virtual machine, prevent it from being customized again. You can always revert this change.

Installation Default Value: True
Baseline Suggested Value: False
Action Needed
Modify the installation default.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Once set, virtual machines are able to be customized when they are cloned. Do not make this change on template virtual machines.
Making this change might impact disaster recovery processes that change IP addresses, through VMware Site Recovery Manager or VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery. For more information see the following documentation:
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get deployPkg enable-customization
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set deployPkg enable-customization false
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Deactivate GuestStore Upgrade Operations

The guest operating must deactivate GuestStore Upgrade operations unless required.

The GuestStore feature provides a simple and flexible mechanism to distribute VMware-specific or custom content from a GuestStore repository to multiple guests simultaneously. If you are not using this feature, deactivate the plug-in to reduce the attack surface.

Installation Default Value: Manual
Baseline Suggested Value: Off
Action Needed
Modify the installation default.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Products and services within the VMware ecosystem might require this functionality.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get gueststoreupgrade policy
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set gueststoreupgrade policy off
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Deactivate Service Discovery

The guest operating system must deactivate Service Discovery unless required.

The VMware Tools Service Discovery plug-in connects to Aria Operations and provides additional data to that product about guest operating systems and workloads. If you are not using this feature, deactivate the plug-in to reduce the attack surface.

Installation Default Value: False
Baseline Suggested Value: True
Action Needed
Modify the installation default.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Products and services within the VMware ecosystem might require this functionality.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get servicediscovery disabled
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set servicediscovery disabled true
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Activate VMware Tools Logging

The guest operating system must enable VMware Tools logging.

Ensure that VMware Tools logs information as appropriate. See for examples.

Installation Default Value: True
Baseline Suggested Value: True
Action Needed
Audit the installation default.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get logging log
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set logging log true
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Send VMware Tools Logs to System Log Service

The guest operating system must send VMware Tools logs to the system log service.

By default, VMware Tools sends logs to a file on disk. Configure logs to be sent to syslog on Linux guests, and to the Windows Event Service on Microsoft Windows guests, for management and central archiving.

Installation Default Value: file
Baseline Suggested Value: syslog
Action Needed
Modify the installation default.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Update the processes that rely on these files being in the default location.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get logging vmsvc.handler
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get logging toolboxcmd.handler
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get logging vgauthsvc.handler
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get logging vmtoolsd.handler
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set logging vmsvc.handler syslog
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set logging toolboxcmd.handler syslog
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set logging vgauthsvc.handler syslog
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set logging vmtoolsd.handler syslog
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Ensure That VMware Tools Version Is Up-To-Date

The guest operating system must ensure that VMware Tools are up-to-date.

VMware Tools are an important part of the VMware ecosystem. Using VMware Tools, you can perform guest operating system administration, such as:

  • Graceful shutdown
  • Lifecycle management
  • Getting drivers for paravirtualized devices
  • Customizing and deploying virtual machine templates

As with all software, you must manage and update VMware Tools as needed. Ensure that you are running a supported version for your guest operating system, whether it is delivered as part of the Linux distribution or installed by you for Microsoft Windows.

Installation Default Value: N/A
Baseline Suggested Value: N/A
Action Needed
Audit the installation default value.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
PowerCLI Command Assessment
Get-VM -Name $VM | Select-Object -Property Name,@{Name='ToolsVersion';Expression={$_.Guest.ToolsVersion}}
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
Site-Specific. Multiple ways exist to update VMware Tools. Drivers for VMXNET3 and PVSCSI are also available through Windows Update, so ensure that you import them into tools such as WSUS.
Setting Location in the vSphere Client
Virtual machine > Virtual Machine Details > VMware Tools

Deactivate GlobalConf

The guest operating system must deactivate GlobalConf unless required.

The GlobalConf feature of VMware Tools provides the capability to push tools.conf file configurations to virtual machines.

Installation Default Value: False
Baseline Suggested Value: False
Action Needed
Audit the installation default value.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Administrators need to use other methods to update and reconfigure VMware Tools when needed.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get globalconf enabled
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set globalconf enabled false
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Limit Automatic Renewal of VMware Tools Features

The guest operating system must limit the automatic removal of VMware Tools features.

VMware Tools automatic upgrade processes can add or remove features from the VMware Tools installation, which can be helpful but also presents an opportunity to alter the security profile of the guest operating system from vSphere.

Installation Default Value: True
Baseline Suggested Value: False
Action Needed
Modify the installation default value.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Administrators need to use other methods to update and reconfigure VMware Tools when needed.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get autoupgrade allow-remove-feature
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set autoupgrade allow-remove-feature false
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Configure VMware Tools for Automatic Upgrades

The guest operating system must configure automatic VMware Tools upgrades as appropriate for the environment.

VMware Tools updates can be initiated by vSphere, which can be helpful for maintaining current VMware Tools versions. If you manage and update VMware Tools in other ways, deactivate this functionality. In general, leave automatic updates activated.

Installation Default Value: True
Baseline Suggested Value: True
Action Needed
Audit the installation default value.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Administrators need to use other methods to update and reconfigure VMware Tools when needed.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config get autoupgrade allow-upgrade
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
VMwareToolboxCmd.exe config set autoupgrade allow-upgrade true
Setting Location in the vSphere Client

Verify the Virtual Machine Hardware Version

The guest operating system must ensure that virtual machine hardware is version 19 or newer where supported.

Virtual machine hardware 19 is compatible with ESXi 7.0 Update 2 and later. Newer versions of virtual machine hardware enable new features and better performance. Consider upgrading to virtual machine hardware 20 if you are fully updated to vSphere 8.0 or later. As always, use caution when upgrading, and fully test the upgrade process before rolling out system-wide.

Consider all the locations where a virtual machine might run, or where you might need to restore the virtual machine. For example, users of the VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery service need to consider the vSphere levels of potential recovery SDDCs. While VMware Cloud runs atop vSphere, it might not have the same supported virtual hardware versions available.

Changes to the configuration of VMware-supplied virtual appliances are not supported and might cause service disruptions.

Note: When you upgrade the virtual machine hardware version, driver and other updates occur even though the impact is minimal.
Installation Default Value: Site-specific
Baseline Suggested Value: vmx-19 or newer
Action Needed
Modify the installation default value.
Potential Functional Impact if Default Value Is Changed
Changing virtual machine hardware versions changes device versions inside the guest, which might have repercussions. Always test upgrading virtual hardware versions, and remember that snapshots capture the virtual machine version, too, so that you can revert versions if necessary.
Changes to the configuration of VMware-supplied virtual appliances are not supported and might cause service disruptions.
PowerCLI Command Assessment
(Get-VM -Name $VM | Get-View) | Select-Object -Property Name,@{Name='HW Version';Expression={$_.Config.Version}}
PowerCLI Command Remediation Example
Set-VM -VM $VM -HardwareVersion vmx-19
Setting Location in the vSphere Client
When creating a virtual machine in the New Virtual Machine wizard, the Select compatibility selection sets the virtual machine hardware version.