When you plan your iSCSI configuration, take measures to improve the overall security of the iSCSI SAN. Your iSCSI configuration is only as secure as your IP network, so by enforcing good security standards when you set up your network, you help safeguard your iSCSI storage.

The following are some specific suggestions for enforcing good security standards.

Protect Transmitted Data

A primary security risk in iSCSI SANs is that an attacker might sniff transmitted storage data.

Take additional measures to prevent attackers from easily seeing iSCSI data. Neither the hardware iSCSI adapter nor ESXi iSCSI initiator encrypts the data that they transmit to and from the targets, making the data more vulnerable to sniffing attacks.

Allowing your virtual machines to share standard switches and VLANs with your iSCSI configuration potentially exposes iSCSI traffic to misuse by a virtual machine attacker. To help ensure that intruders cannot listen to iSCSI transmissions, make sure that none of your virtual machines can see the iSCSI storage network.

If you use a hardware iSCSI adapter, you can accomplish this by making sure that the iSCSI adapter and ESXi physical network adapter are not inadvertently connected outside the host by virtue of sharing a switch or some other means. If you configure iSCSI directly through the ESXi host, you can accomplish this by configuring iSCSI storage through a different standard switch than the one used by your virtual machines.

In addition to protecting the iSCSI SAN by giving it a dedicated standard switch, you can configure your iSCSI SAN on its own VLAN to improve performance and security. Placing your iSCSI configuration on a separate VLAN ensures that no devices other than the iSCSI adapter have visibility into transmissions within the iSCSI SAN. Also, network congestion from other sources cannot interfere with iSCSI traffic.

Secure iSCSI Ports

When you run iSCSI devices, ESXi does not open any ports that listen for network connections. This measure reduces the chances that an intruder can break into ESXi through spare ports and gain control over the host. Therefore, running iSCSI does not present any additional security risks at the ESXi end of the connection.

Any iSCSI target device that you run must have one or more open TCP ports to listen for iSCSI connections. If any security vulnerabilities exist in the iSCSI device software, your data can be at risk through no fault of ESXi. To lower this risk, install all security patches that your storage equipment manufacturer provides and limit the devices connected to the iSCSI network.