Function calls in the Virtual Disk API are listed alphabetically in Virtual Disk API Functions.

Table 1. Virtual Disk API Functions
Function Description
VixDiskLib_Attach Attach the child disk chain to the parent disk chain.
VixDiskLib_Cleanup Remove leftover transports. See Clean Up After Disconnect.
VixDiskLib_Clone Copy virtual disk to some destination, converting formats as appropriate.
VixDiskLib_Close Close an open virtual disk. See Close a Local or Remote Disk.
VixDiskLib_Connect Connect to the virtual disk library to obtain services. See also ConnectEx.
VixDiskLib_ConnectEx Connect to optimum transport. See Connect to VMware vSphere
VixDiskLib_Create Create a virtual disk according to specified parameters.
VixDiskLib_CreateChild Create a child disk (redo log or delta link) for a hosted virtual disk.
VixDiskLib_Defragment Defragment the sectors of a virtual disk.
VixDiskLib_Disconnect Disconnect from the library. See Disconnect from Server.
VixDiskLib_EndAccess Notify a host that it may again relocate a virtual machine. See Prepare For Access and End Access.
VixDiskLib_Exit Release all resources held by the library. See Clean Up and Exit.

Flush asynchronous write data to disk. Replaced by Wait function.

VixDiskLib_FreeErrorText Free the message buffer allocated by GetErrorText.
VixDiskLib_FreeInfo Free the memory allocated by GetInfo.
VixDiskLib_GetErrorText Return the text description of a library error code.
VixDiskLib_GetInfo Retrieve information about a virtual disk.
VixDiskLib_GetMetadataKeys Retrieve all keys in the metadata of a virtual disk.
VixDiskLib_GetTransportMode Get the current transport mode. See Get Selected Transport Method.
VixDiskLib_Grow Increase size of an existing virtual disk.
VixDiskLib_Init Initialize the old virtual disk library. Replaced by InitEx function.
VixDiskLib_InitEx Initialize new virtual disk library. See Initialize Virtual Disk API.
VixDiskLib_ListTransportModes Available transport modes. See List Available Transport Methods.
VixDiskLib_Open Open a virtual disk. See Open a Local or Remote Disk.
VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess Notify a host to refrain from relocating a virtual machine. See Prepare For Access and End Access.
VixDiskLib_Read Read from an open virtual disk. See Read Sectors From a Disk.
VixDiskLib_ReadAsync Asynchronously read a range of sectors.
VixDiskLib_ReadMetadata Retrieve the value of a given key from disk metadata.
VixDiskLib_Rename Change the name of a virtual disk.
VixDiskLib_Shrink Reclaim blocks of zeroes from the virtual disk.
VixDiskLib_SpaceNeededForClone Compute the space required to clone a virtual disk, in bytes.
VixDiskLib_Unlink Delete the specified virtual disk.
VixDiskLib_Wait Wait for all asynchronous operations to complete.
VixDiskLib_Write Write to an open virtual disk. See Write Sectors To a Disk.
VixDiskLib_WriteAsync Asynchronously write a range of sectors.
VixDiskLib_WriteMetadata Update virtual disk metadata with the given key/value pair.