To obtain these functions, load the vixMntapi library separately from the vixDiskLib library. On Windows, compile with the vixMntapi.lib library so your program can load the vixMntapi.dll runtime.

These calls can be used to mount and read Windows virtual disks on Windows hosts (with at least one NTFS volume) or Linux virtual disks on Linux hosts. Cross-mounting is restricted, though it is possible to mount a virtual disk with a mix of formats, if the mounted partition was formatted with Windows.

You should run only one vixMntapi program at a time on a virtual machine, to avoid conflict between registry hives. See Multithreading Considerations for advice on worker threads.

Available functions in the library are listed below. Under parameters, [in] indicates input, and [out] indicates output parameters. Functions that return vixError return VIX_OK on success, otherwise a VIX error code.