VixDiskLib_Init() initializes the old virtual disk library. The arguments majorVersion and minorVersion represent the VDDK library’s release number and dot-release number. The optional third, fourth, and fifth arguments specify log, warning, and panic handlers. DLLs and shared objects may be located in libDir.

VixError vixError = VixDiskLib_Init(majorVer, minorVer, &logFunc, &warnFunc, &panicFunc, libDir);

You should call VixDiskLib_Init() only once per process because of internationalization restrictions, at the beginning of your program. You should call VixDiskLib_Exit() at the end of your program for cleanup. For multithreaded programs you should write your own logFunc because the default function is not thread safe.

In most cases you should replace VixDiskLib_Init() with VixDiskLib_InitEx(), which allows you to specify a configuration file. For information about InitEx, see Initialize Virtual Disk API.