This section describes how to get data from the Virtual Disk after you have identified it. In order to access a virtual disk, you must use the VixDiskLib. The following code shows how to initialize the VixDiskLib and use it for accessing a virtual disk. All operations require a VixDiskLib connection to access virtual disk data. At the present time VixDiskLib is not implemented for the Java language, so this code is C++ language:

VixDiskLibConnectParams connectParams;
VixDiskLibConnection srcConnection;
connectParams.serverName = strdup("TargetServer");
connectParams.creds.uid.userName = strdup("root");
connectParams.creds.uid.password = strdup("yourPasswd");
connectParams.port = 902;
VixError vixError = VixDiskLib_Init(1, 0, &logFunc, &warnFunc, &panicFunc, libDir);
vixError = VixDiskLib_Connect(&connectParams, &srcConnection);

This next section of code shows how to open and read a specific virtual disk:

VixDiskLibHandle diskHandle;
vixError = VixDiskLib_Open(srcConnection, diskPath, flags, &diskHandle);
uint8 mybuffer[some_multiple_of_512];
vixError = VixDiskLib_Read(diskHandle, startSector, numSectors, &mybuffer);
// Also getting the disk metadata:
size_t requiredLength = 1;
char *buf = new char [1];
// This next operation fails, but updates "requiredLength" with the proper buffer size
vixError = VixDiskLib_GetMetadataKeys(diskHandle, buf, requiredLength, &requiredLength);
delete [] buf;
buf = new char[requiredLength];  // Create a large enough buffer
vixError = VixDiskLib_GetMetadataKeys(diskHandle, buf, requiredLength, NULL);
// And finally, close the diskHandle:
vixError = VixDiskLib_Close(diskHandle);
// And if you are completely done with the VixDiskLib