Publish a library to replicate all VM templates stored in the publisher library to one or multiple subscribers. If you want to replicate a single VM template from a publisher library to a subscriber, you can publish the item, and not the entire library.

If the publisher library contains OVF templates and other types of files, publishing the entire library to a subscription only replicates or updates the VM templates.


Required privileges on the content library:
  • Content library.Publish a library to its subscribers
  • Content library.Sync library item


  1. Navigate to the Content Libraries list.
  2. Open a local library by clicking its name.
  3. Publish a content library contents or a VM template to a subscriber.
    Action Description
    Publish a content library contents to a subscriber
    1. On the Subscriptions tab, select the subscriber libraries to update.
    2. Click the Publish button.
    3. To confirm the process, in the Publish Library pop-up window, click Publish.
    A publish task appears in the Recent Tasks pane. All VM templates from the publisher library are published to the selected subscribers.
    Publish a single template to a subscriber
    1. On the Templates tab, right-click a template of the VM template type and select Publish.
    2. In the Publish Template dialog box, select the subscribers to which to publish the selected template.
    3. Click OK.

    After the publishing finishes, the item content and metadata are downloaded to the storage of the subscribed library. On the Templates tab for the subscription, the value for the item in the Stored Content Locally column changes to Yes.