To use a VMware standard virtual switch, you use the following elements to configure the switch on an ESXi host.

  • HostNetworkSystem – Managed object that represents the host’s networking configuration. This object’s properties point to the networking data objects you can use for network management, including HostDnsConfig and HostIpRouteConfig.

    HostNetworkSystem properties allow you to access HostNetCapabilities and HostNetworkInfo data objects, and access and modify the HostNetworkConfig data object.

    HostNetworkSystem includes methods for retrieving and changing the network configuration. See the API Reference for a complete list of methods and the permissions required to run them.

  • HostNetworkConfig – Allows you to specify the network configuration for the host. You can apply the configuration by running the HostNetworkSystem.UpdateNetworkConfig method.
  • Network – Represents a network accessible by either hosts or virtual machines. This can be a physical network or a logical network, such as a VLAN.

    When you add a host to a vCenter Server system, or when you add a virtual machine to an ESX/ESXi host, a Network is added automatically.

  • HostSystem.QueryHostConnectionInfo and Datacenter.QueryConnectionInfo both return a HostConnectInfo data object, which describes the current network configuration.

HostSNMPSystem – Supports SNMP setup. See Setting Up SNMP.