This procedure uses PropertyCollector with a ContainerView to retrieve properties from multiple VirtualMachine objects with the RetrieveProperiesEx method.

To collect the names of all virtual machines in the inventory, you must:
  • Prepare a ContainerView that contains only the virtual machines.
  • Prepare a PropertySpec to specify the name property of the VirtualMachine class.
  • Prepare a TraversalSpec to specify the path from the view to its contents.
  • Assemble a PropertyFilterSpec from the prepared data.
  • Invoke the RetrievePropertiesEx method.
Note: This procedure shows only how to use the PropertyCollector. For a description of server connection, see Build a Simple vSphere Client Application for the Web Services SDK.

To collect the names of all virtual machines in the inventory, use the following steps.


  1. Get references to the ViewManager and the PropertyCollector.

    In the example, sContent is the variable for the ServiceContent data object. sContent provides the methods to retrieve the managed object references to the vSphere services.

    ManagedObjectReference viewMgrRef = sContent.getViewManager();
    ManagedObjectReference propColl = sContent.getPropertyCollector();
  2. Create a container view for virtual machines.
    methods is the variable for the VimPortType object. VimPortType defines the Java methods that correspond to the vSphere API methods. The createContainerView parameters are as follows:
    • container: Selection starts within the inventory root folder.
    • type: Only VirtualMachine type managed objects are selected for the ContainerView, starting at the root folder.
    • recursive: The value true for the last parameter extends the selection beyond the children of the root folder so that the ViewManager will follow child folder paths to add virtual machines to the view.
    This container view provides references to all virtual machines in the inventory.
    List<String> vmList = new ArrayList<String>();
    ManagedObjectReference cViewRef = methods.createContainerView(viewMgrRef,
        true );
  3. Create an object specification to define the starting point for inventory navigation.

    The ObjectSpec.obj property identifies the starting object (the container view). This example collects only virtual machine data, so the skip property is set to true to ignore the container view itself during collection.

    ObjectSpec oSpec = new ObjectSpec();
  4. Create a traversal specification to identify the path for collection.

    The TraversalSpec properties type and path determine path traversal. TraversalSpec.type identifies the type of managed object that this spec can traverse. TraversalSpec.path identifies a property that links to other managed objects. The PropertyCollector uses the path object to select additional objects.

    This example uses a single TraversalSpec to walk the list of virtual machines that are available through the container view. The following code fragment specifies the ContainerView object for the TraversalSpec.type property and the view property in the ContainerView for the TraversalSpec.path property. The skip property is set to false, so the PropertyCollector will collect data from the path objects (the virtual machines in the container view).

    TraversalSpec tSpec = new TraversalSpec();
  5. Add the TraversalSpec to the ObjectSpec.selectSet array. The TraversalSpec tells the PropertyCollector how to traverse from the starting object to other managed objects.
  6. Identify a managed object type and the properties to be retrieved from it.

    The example program creates a PropertySpec data object to specify the properties to be collected. The type property is set to a managed object type present in the container view. The pathSet property identifies one or more properties in the type object.

    This example specifies the property.

    PropertySpec pSpec = new PropertySpec();
  7. Add the object and property specifications to the property filter specification.

    A PropertyFilterSpec must have at least one ObjectSpec and one PropertySpec. The PropertyFilterSpec specifies what properties to collect, while the ObjectSpec tells the PropertyCollector how to find them.

    PropertyFilterSpec fSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec();
  8. Create a list for the filters and add the PropertyFilterSpec to it.

    This example needs only one filter to collect the names of virtual machines.

    List<PropertyFilterSpec> fSpecList = new ArrayList<PropertyFilterSpec>();
  9. Retrieve the data.
    To invoke a single property collection operation, call the RetrievePropertiesEx method. The example application passes the populated PropertyFilterSpec and an empty options structure to the method. The default for the RetrieveOptions.maxObjects specifies no maximum for the number of objects that can be returned.
    Note: The PropertyCollector can impose a maximum in some circumstances. If the number of collected objects is greater than the maximum, the PropertyCollector returns a token value in the RetrieveResult data object and this token is used to retrieve the remaining properties using the ContinueRetrievePropertiesEx API method. For more information, see Server Data Transmission.
    RetrieveOptions ro = new RetrieveOptions();
    RetrieveResult props = methods.retrievePropertiesEx(propColl,fSpecList,ro);
  10. Print the virtual machine names.

    The following code fragment walks the list of ObjectContent objects returned in the RetrieveResult object. For each object (ObjectContent), the inner loop prints the name-value pairs.

    if (props != null) {
       for (ObjectContent oc : props.getObjects()) {
       String vmName = null;
       String path = null;
       List<DynamicProperty> dps = oc.getPropSet();
       if (dps != null) {
          for (DynamicProperty dp : dps) {
             vmName = (String) dp.getVal();
             path = dp.getName();
             System.out.println(path + " = " + vmName);


You can also see these code fragments in the context of an end-to-end example that includes connection and authentication logic, in Build a Simple vSphere Client Application for the Web Services SDK.