Checkout how to export the configuration of an existing Supervisor, which you can later import in the Supervisor activation wizard to deploy a new Supervisor instance with a similar configuration. The Supervisor exports in a JSON configuration file, which you can modify as needed and use to deploy a new Supervisor instance.

Exporting a Supervisor configuration allows you to:
  • Persist Supervisor configurations. You can export all previous Supervisor configurations and reuse them when needed.
  • More efficient troubleshooting. If a Supervisor activation fails, you can adjust the Supervisor configuration directly into the JSON file and restart the process. This allows for quick troubleshooting, as you can modify the settings directly in the JSON file before importing it.
  • Streamlined administration. You can share the exported Supervisor configuration with other administrators, to setup new Supervisors with similar settings.
  • Consistent format. The exported Supervisor configurations adhere to a standardized format that is applicable to the supported deployment types.

You can also export the Supervisor configuration during the Supervisor activation workflow. See Deploy a Three-Zone Supervisor and Deploy a One-Zone Supervisor for more information.


Deploy a Supervisor.


  1. Go to Workload Management > Supervisor > Supervisors.
  2. Select a Supervisor and select Export Config.


The configuration is exported and saved in a ZIP file named that is stored locally in the browser’s default download folder. Within the file you can find:

  • A JSON file containing the Supervisor configuration named wcp-config.jso. Each configuration setting has a corresponding name and location in the JSON file. This JSON file adheres to a hierarchical data structure.
  • A valid JSON schema file named wcp-config-schema.json. This file outlines all exportable settings for the Supervisor, encompassing their type, location within the JSON file, and whether they are required. You can use the schema file to generating a sample configuration JSON file , which you can populate manually and import to a fresh activation workflow.

What to do next


Edit the JSON configuration as needed and use it to deploy new Supervisors. See Deploy a Supervisor by Importing a JSON Configuration File.