Review the workflows for turning vSphere clusters to a platform for running Kubernetes workloads on vSphere.

Workflow for Deploying a Supervisor with VDS Networking and NSX Advanced Load Balancer

As a vSphere administrator, you can deploy a Supervisor with the networking stack based on VDS networking with the NSX Advanced Load Balancer.
Figure 1. Workflow for Deploying a Supervisor with NSX Advanced Load Balancer

Select deployment type. Configure compute, storage and a VDS. Configure NSX Advanced Load Balancer. Create content library. Enable the Supervisor.

Supervisor with NSX Networking and NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller Workflow

As a vSphere administrator, you can deploy a Supervisor with the NSX networking stack and the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller.

Figure 2. Workflow for deploying a Supervisor with NSX networking and NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller

Workflow for configuring compute, storage, and creating and configuring a vSphere Distributed Switch.

Workflow for installing and configuring NSX, the NSX Advanced Load Balancer, and the Supervisor.

Workflow for Deploying a Supervisor with NSX Networking

As a vSphere administrator, you can deploy a Supervisor with the networking stack basedNSX.

Figure 3. Workflow for deploying a Supervisor with NSX as a networking stack

Select deployment type. Configure compute, storage and a VDS. Configure NSX. Configure the Supervisor.

Workflow for Deploying a Supervisor with VDS Networking and HAProxy Load Balancer

As a vSphere administrator, you can deploy a Supervisor with the networking stack based on VDS and the HAProxy load balancer.

Figure 4. Workflow for deploying Supervisor with VDS networking and HAProxy

Select deployment type. Configure compute, storage and VDS. Create and configure HAProxy Load Balancer. Create content library. Enable the Supervisor.