As a vSphere administrator, you can set resource limits and container defaults on a vSphere Namespace. DevOps engineers can later override the container defaults in pod specifications but without exceeding the total resource limits set to the namespace by the vSphere administrator. Container requests translate to resource reservations in pods.


  • Verify that you have the Modify namespace configuration privilege on the Supervisor.


  1. From the vSphere Client home menu, select Workload Management.
  2. Select a vSphere Namespace, select Configure, and click Resource Limits.
  3. Click Edit.
    The impact of establishing resource limits for a vSphere Namespace where TKG clusters are provisioned differs depending on the type of VM class used for cluster nodes. Make sure you are aware of the differences between best effort and guaranteed before setting resource limits. See Virtual Machine Classes for TKG Clusters in Using TKG Service with vSphere IaaS Control Plane.
    Option Description
    CPU Set a limit to the CPU consumption on the vSphere Namespace.
    Memory Set a limit to the memory consumption on the vSphere Namespace.
    Storage Set a limit on the storage consumption on the vSphere Namespace per storage policy that is used.
    Container Defaults Set the defaults for CPU limits, CPU requests, memory requests, and memory limits for containers in the vSphere Namespace.