If you are using the embedded Harbor registry with your Supervisor, you can migrate the images from the embedded registry to the Harbor registry that you have installed as a Supervisor Service.


  • Verify that Contour and Harbor Supervisor Services are installed on the Supervisor.
  • Verify that the DNS that you use with your Supervisor includes and entry of the Harbor FQDN that is mapped to the Envoy service ingress IP.
  • Verify that trust is established between the Supervisor and Harbor. If images are being referenced by Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters that run on Supervisors different than the one where Harbor runs, verify that there is trust between these Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters and the Harbor.


  1. Login to the Supervisor as a vCenter Single-Sign-On user.
  2. Setup network access egress to the Harbor Supervisor Service.
    1. Create a network policy CRD named allow-all-egress-harbor-supervisor-service on the service namespace of Harbor, which can be named svc-harbor-domain-c9 for example.
      apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-all-egress-harbor-supervisor-service
        namespace: svc-harbor-domain-c9
            app: harbor
        - {}
  3. Access the secrets of the embedded registry so that you can later add the registry as a replication endpoint to Harbor.
    1. Grant edit permissions to your administrative vCenter Single Sign-On user on the embedded registry namespace, which could be named for example vmware-system-registry-437393318.

      The dialog for adding the edit permission to the administrator account.
    2. Access the secrets from the embedded registry namespace.
      # kubectl get secrets -n vmware-system-registry-437393318 harbor-437393318-controller-registry -o yaml
      apiVersion: v1
        harborAdminPassword: UDNSak4wQk5VbFlrY1VZeVprUmpKQT09
        harborAdminUsername: WVdSdGFXND0=
        harborPostgresPassword: TlRoS1ZHeEFLa1lrVkdjaGN6aGtXZz09
      kind: Secret
    3. Decode the user name and the password.
      # echo 'WVdSdGFXND0=' | base64 -d | base64 -d
      # echo 'UDNSak4wQk5VbFlrY1VZeVprUmpKQT09' | base64 -d | base64 -d
  4. Add a replication endpoint and replication rule for the embedded registry to the Harbor Supervisor Service.
    1. Login as root to the UI of the Harbor Supervisor Service.
    2. Click Registries and click New Endpoint.
      The New Registry Endpoint window populated with the data for the vRegistry URL and credentials
    3. Select Replications tab and click New Replication Rule.
      Fill in the following settings, by leaving the rest with default values:
      • Name - Provide a name for the rule.
      • Replication mode - Select Pull-based.
      • Source registry - Select the registry endpoint that you have added.

      The window for adding a replication rule to Harbor with the necessary settings selected.
    4. Click Save.
  5. Select the newly-created replication rule and click Replicate.


The contents of the embedded registry is replicated to the Harbor registry.