You can view the lifecycle status of TKG clusters in the vSphere inventory and using kubectl.

TKG Cluster Lifecycle Status in vSphere

The table lists and describes the TKG cluster status information that appears in the vSphere inventory.

Table 1. TKG Cluster Status in the vSphere Inventory
Field Description Example
Name The user-defined name of the cluster. tkg2-cluster-01
Creation Time The date and time of cluster creation. Mar 17, 2022, 11:42:46 PM
Phase The lifecycle status of the cluster. creating
Worker Count The number of worker nodes in the cluster. 1 or 2 or 5
Distribution Version The version of Kubernetes software that the cluster is running. v1.22.6+vmware.1-tkg.1.7144628
Control Plane Address The IP address of the cluster control plane load balancer.

TKG Cluster Lifecycle Status in kubectl

The table lists and describes the TKG cluster status information that appears in kubectl.

Table 2. TKG Cluster Status in kubectl
Field Description Example
NAME Name of the cluster. tkg2-cluster-01
CONTROL PLANE Number of control plane nodes in the cluster. 3
WORKER Number of worker nodes in the cluster. 5
DISTRIBUTION Kubernetes version that the cluster is running. v1.22.6+vmware.1-tkg.1.5b5608b
AGE Number of days the cluster has been running. 13d
PHASE The lifecycle status of the cluster. running

Cluster Lifecycle Phase Status

The table lists and describes the status for each phase of a cluster lifecycle.

Table 3. Cluster Lifecycle Phase Status
Phase Description
creating Cluster provisioning can start, the control plane is being created, or the control plane is created but not initialized.
deleting The cluster is being deleted.
failed The creation of the cluster control plane failed and user intervention is likely required.
running The infrastructure is created and configured, and the control plane is fully initialized.
updating The cluster is being updated.