You can statically create a block volume in a TKG Service cluster using an unused persistent volume claim (PVC) from Supervisor.

The PVC must satisfy the following conditions:
  • The PVC is present in the same namespace where the TKG cluster resides.
  • The PVC is not already attached to a pod in any TKG cluster or to a vSphere Pod in Supervisor.

Using static provisioning, you can also reuse in a new TKG cluster a PVC that is no longer needed by another TKG cluster. To do this, change the Reclaim policy of the persistent volume (PV) in the original TKG cluster to Retain, and then delete the corresponding PVC.

Follow these steps to statically create a PVC in a new TKG cluster using the information from the leftover underlying volume.


  1. Note the name of the original PVC in the Supervisor.
    If you are reusing the PVC from an old TKG cluster, you can retrieve the PVC name from the volumeHandle of the old PV object in the TKG cluster.
  2. Create a PV.
    In the YAML file, specify the values of the following items:
    • For storageClassName, you can enter the storage class name that is used by your PVC in the Supervisor.
    • For volumeHandle, enter the PVC name that you obtained.
    If you are reusing a volume from another TKG cluster, delete the PVC and PV objects from the old TKG cluster before creating a PV in the new TKG cluster.
    Use the following YAML manifest as an example.
    apiVersion: v1
       kind: PersistentVolume
         name: static-tkg-block-pv
         storageClassName: gc-storage-profile
           storage: 2Gi
           - ReadWriteOnce
         persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
           namespace: default
           name: static-tkg-block-pvc
           driver: ""
             type: "vSphere CNS Block Volume"
           volumeHandle: "supervisor-block-pvc-name"  # Enter the PVC name from the Supervisor.
  3. Create a PVC to match the PV object you created.
    Set the storageClassName to the same value as in the PV.
       kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
       apiVersion: v1
         name: static-tkg-block-pvc
           - ReadWriteOnce
             storage: 2Gi
         storageClassName: gc-storage-profile
         volumeName: static-tkg-block-pv
  4. Verify that the PVC is bound to the PV that you created.
    $ kubectl get pv,pvc
     NAME                                    CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                          STORAGECLASS         REASON   AGE
     persistentvolume/static-tkg-block-pv    2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/static-tkg-block-pvc   gc-storage-profile            10s
     NAME                                         STATUS   VOLUME                CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS         AGE
     persistentvolumeclaim/static-tkg-block-pvc   Bound    static-tkg-block-pv   2Gi        RWO            gc-storage-profile   10s