The following table maps variables used with TKG Service of versions earlier than 3.2.0 to new variables available starting with TKG Service 3.2.0

Variables for TKG Service 3.1.0 and Earlier Variables for TKG Service 3.2.0 and Later Notes
controlPlaneCertificateRotation kubernetes.certificateRotation
controlPlaneVolumes volumes To set volumes on the control plane, specify overrides in the control plane variables section.
defaultStorageClass vsphereOptions.persistentVolumes.defaultStorageClass
defaultVolumeSnapshotClass vsphereOptions.persistentVolumes.defaultVolumeSnapshotClass
kubeAPIServerFQDNs kubernetes.endpointFQDNs The existing variable is also present on the new 3.2.0 ClusterClass for backward compatibility. Make sure to use the new variable instead.
nodePoolLabels node.labels To set labels for a node pool, specify overrides for specific node pool.
nodePoolTaints node.taints To set taints for a node pool, specify overrides for specific node pool.
nodePoolVolumes node.volumes To set volumes for a node pool, specify overrides for specific node pool.
ntp osConfiguration.ntp
proxy osConfiguration.systemProxy The names of the individual fields have changed to http, https and noProxy.
storageClass storageClass
storageClasses vsphereOptions.persistentVolumes.availableStorageClasses
TKR_DATA TKR_DATA The existing variable is also present on the new 3.2.0 ClusterClass for backward compatibility. This variable is no longer in use and should be edited. It will be removed in a future release.
trust The mechanism for setting the value for trust has been changed. Refer to the osConfiguration variable definition for more details.
user osConfiguration.user
vmClass vmClass
volumeSnapshotClasses vsphereOptions.persistentVolumes.volumeSnapshotClasses