Refer to the example YAML to provision a TanzuKubernetesCluster across vSphere Zones using the v1alpha3 API.

vSphere Zones and Failure Domains

vSphere Zones provide a way to create highly available TKG clusters on Supervisor. If you are provisioning a TKG cluster across vSphere Zones, you must provide the failure domain for each node pool.

Each failure domain maps to a vSphere Zone which thereby will be associated with one vSphere cluster. Failure domains, also known as vSphere Fault Domains, are defined and managed by the vSphere administrator when creating vSphere Zones. The storage profile you use for the TKG cluster must be configured as zonal. See Create a vSphere Storage Policy for TKG Service Clusters.

When you deploy pods with replicas to a TKG cluster on Supervisor, the pod instances are automatically spread across the vSphere Zones. You do not need to provide zone details while deploying POD on TKG cluster.

To check the availability of vSphere Zones in the TKG environment, run either of the following commands from the vSphere Namespace where you will provision the TKG cluster:
kubectl get vspherezones
kubectl get availabilityzones

Both commands are available to system:authenticated users. vSphere Zones are Supervisor-scoped resources so you do not need to specify a namespace.

v1alpha3 Example: TKC Across vSphere Zones

The example YAML provisions a TKG cluster across vSphere Zones.

In this example, you specify the vSphere Zone in the failureDomain parameter for each nodePool. The value of the parameter is the name of the vSphere Zone.
kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
  name: tkc-zoned
  namespace: tkg-cluster-ns
      replicas: 3
      vmClass: guaranteed-medium
      storageClass: tkg2-storage-policy-zonal
          name: v1.25.7---vmware.3-fips.1-tkg.1
      - name: nodepool-a01
        replicas: 3
        vmClass: guaranteed-medium
        storageClass: tkg-storage-policy-zonal
        failureDomain: az1
      - name: nodepool-a02
        replicas: 3
        vmClass: guaranteed-medium
        storageClass: tkg-storage-policy-zonal
        failureDomain: az2
      - name: nodepool-a03
        replicas: 3
        vmClass: guaranteed-medium
        storageClass: tkg-storage-policy-zonal
        failureDomain: az3
      defaultClass: tkg-storage-policy-zonal
        name: antrea
        cidrBlocks: [""]
        cidrBlocks: [""]
      serviceDomain: cluster.local