This topic provides reference information for the Grafana pacakge.

About Grafana

Grafana ( is open source visualization and analytics software. Grafana lets you query, visualize, alert on, and explore metrics no matter where they are stored. Grafana provides tools to form graphs and visualizations from application data.

To install the Grafana package on a TKG cluster, refer to the following topics:

Grafana Package Components

The Grafana package installs on the cluster the container listed in the table. The Grafana package pulls the container from the public registry specified in package repository.
Container Resource Type Replicas Description
Grafana Deployment 2 Data visualization

Grafana Data Values

Below is an example grafana-data-values.yaml file with the following customizations:
  • ingress is enabled (ingress: enabled: true)
  • ingress is configured for URLs ending in / (prefix:)
  • The FQDN for Grafana is grafana.system.tanzu (virtual_host_fqdn:)
  • The pvc for grafana is 2GB and will be created under the default vSphere storageClass
  • The admin password (base64 encoded) for the Grafana UI (grafana: secret: admin_password:).
namespace: grafana-dashboard
    replicas: 1
    updateStrategy: Recreate
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 2Gi
    storageClassName: default
    admin_password: admin
    admin_user: YWRtaW4=
    type: Opaque
    port: 80
    targetPort: 3000
    type: LoadBalancer
  enabled: true
  prefix: /
  servicePort: 80
  virtual_host_fqdn: grafana.system.tanzu

Grafana Configuration

The Grafana configuration is set in grafana-data-values.yaml. The table lists and describes the available parameters.
Table 1. Grafana Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Type Default
monitoring.namespace Namespace where Prometheus will be deployed string tanzu-system-monitoring
monitoring.create_namespace The flag indicates whether to create the namespace specified by monitoring.namespace boolean false
monitoring.grafana.cluster_role.apiGroups api group defined for grafana clusterrole list [""]
monitoring.grafana.cluster_role.resources resources defined for grafana clusterrole list ["configmaps", "secrets"]
monitoring.grafana.cluster_role.verbs access permission defined for clusterrole list ["get", "watch", "list"]
monitoring.grafana.config.grafana_ini Grafana configuration file details config file grafana.ini

In this file, grafana_net URL is used to integrate with Grafana, for example, to import the dashboard directly from

monitoring.grafana.config.datasource.type Grafana datasource type string prometheus
monitoring.grafana.config.datasource.access access mode. proxy or direct (Server or Browser in the UI) string proxy
monitoring.grafana.config.datasource.isDefault mark as default Grafana datasource boolean true
monitoring.grafana.config.provider_yaml Config file to define grafana dashboard provider yaml file provider.yaml
monitoring.grafana.service.type Type of service to expose Grafana. Supported Values: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer string vSphere: NodePort, aws/azure: LoadBalancer
monitoring.grafana.pvc.storage_class Define access mode for persistent volume claim. Supported values: ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany string ReadWriteOnce Define storage size for persistent volume claim string 2Gi
monitoring.grafana.deployment.replicas Number of grafana replicas integer 1
monitoring.grafana.image.repository Location of the repository with the Grafana image. The default is the public VMware registry. Change this value if you are using a private repository (e.g., air-gapped environment). string Name of Grafana image string grafana
monitoring.grafana.image.tag Grafana image tag. This value may need to be updated if you are upgrading the version. string v7.3.5_vmware.1
monitoring.grafana.image.pullPolicy Grafana image pull policy string IfNotPresent
monitoring.grafana.secret.type Secret type defined for Grafana dashboard string Opaque
monitoring.grafana.secret.admin_user username to access Grafana dashboard string YWRtaW4=

Value is base64 encoded; to decode: echo "xxxxxx" | base64 --decode

monitoring.grafana.secret.admin_password password to access Grafana dashboard string null
monitoring.grafana.secret.ldap_toml If using ldap auth, ldap configuration file path string ""
monitoring.grafana_init_container.image.repository Repository containing grafana init container image. The default is the public VMware registry. Change this value if you are using a private repository (e.g., air-gapped environment). string Name of grafana init container image string k8s-sidecar
monitoring.grafana_init_container.image.tag Grafana init container image tag. This value may need to be updated if you are upgrading the version. string 0.1.99
monitoring.grafana_init_container.image.pullPolicy grafana init container image pull policy string IfNotPresent
monitoring.grafana_sc_dashboard.image.repository Repository containing the Grafana dashboard image. The default is the public VMware registry. Change this value if you are using a private repository (e.g., air-gapped environment). string Name of grafana dashboard image string k8s-sidecar
monitoring.grafana_sc_dashboard.image.tag Grafana dashboard image tag. This value may need to be updated if you are upgrading the version. string 0.1.99
monitoring.grafana_sc_dashboard.image.pullPolicy grafana dashboard image pull policy string IfNotPresent
monitoring.grafana.ingress.enabled Enable/disable ingress for grafana boolean true
monitoring.grafana.ingress.virtual_host_fqdn Hostname for accessing grafana string grafana.system.tanzu
monitoring.grafana.ingress.prefix Path prefix for grafana string /
monitoring.grafana.ingress.tlsCertificate.tls.crt Optional cert for ingress if you want to use your own TLS cert. A self signed cert is generated by default string Generated cert
monitoring.grafana.ingress.tlsCertificate.tls.key Optional cert private key for ingress if you want to use your own TLS cert. string Generated cert key