The builtin-generic-v3.2.0
ClusterClass introduces a new variable schema. You can use the following ClusterClass variables to customize the cluster you deploy.
Use the vmClass
variable to configure the VM class for cluster nodes.
Use the vmClass
variable to configure the VM class for cluster nodes.
is a required string that maps to the name of a VM class that is bound to the vSphere Namespace where the TKG cluster is provisioned.
The name of the VirtualMachineClass describes the virtual hardware settings to be used for cluster nodes. The VirtualMachineClass controls the CPU and memory available to the node and the requests and limits on those resources. See Using VM Classes with TKG Service Clusters.
You can only use VM classes that are associated with the vSphere Namespace where the TKG cluster is being provisioned. Use the command kubectl get virtualmachineclass
to list bound classes.
The vmClass
variable can be overridden at the control plane or on a per node pool level to set the VirtualMachineClass used to provision the specific nodes.
This is a required input and it is mandatory.
# Setting the variable at the cluster level causes the same VMClass # to be used by all control plane and node pool nodes. variables: - name: vmClass value: best-effort-medium
Use the storageClass
variable to configure a storage class for the cluster.
is a string that is the name of a vSphere storage profile that has been assigned to the vSphere Namespace where the TKG service cluster is provisioned. It is a required input.
kubectl describe namespace VSPHERE-NAMESPACE-NAME
kubectl describe storageclasses
This is a required input and is mandatory.
variables: - name: storageClass value: tkgs-storage-profile
Use the volumes
variable to configure additional disks for the nodes of the Cluster.
is an optional array of objects, each of which includes name
, storageClass
, mountPath
, and capacity
Field Name | Expected Type | Example |
name | string | kubelet-override |
mountPath | string | /var/lib/kubelet or C:\var\lib\kubelet |
storageClass | string | tkgs-storage-profile |
capacity | quantity | 20Gi or 50G |
The volumes
variable can be overridden at the control plane or on a per node pool level to set the volume mount for specific node groups.
The following example sets a custom volume mount for the containerd
directory of the nodes of the cluster.
variables: - name: volumes value: #name of the PVC to be used as the suffix ( - name: containerd # mountPath is the directory where the volume device is mounted # takes the form /dir/path (for Linux nodes) and C:\foo\bar (for Windows nodes) mountPath: /var/lib/containerd # storageClass is the storage class to use for the PVC storageClass: tkgs-storage-profile # capacity is the PVC storage capacity capacity: 40Gi
Use the following example for the volume overrides for containerd
and kubelet
directories for a Windows node pool.
variables: - name: volumes value: - name: containerd-override mountPath: C:\ProgramData\containerd storageClass: tkgs-storage-profile capacity: 40Gi - name: kubelet-override mountPath: C:\var\lib\kubelet storageClass: tkgs-storage-profile capacity: 40Gi
Use the node
variable to configure different properties, such as labels or taints on the Kubernetes node objects of the cluster.
The variable includes these two sub-sections.
An optional set of key value pairs that are added as Kubernetes labels to the node. The key value pairs follow the same format as documented in Kubernetes upstream documentation for labels.
Field Name | Expected Type | Example | Required |
key | string | foo |
true |
value | string | bar or "" |
true |
effect | One of the following:
NoSchedule |
true |
variable can be set at the cluster level and can be overridden at the control plane or on a per node pool level to set values for specific node groups.
variables: - name: node value: labels: tenant: tenant-foo organization: engineering managed: "" taints: - key: key1 value: value1 effect: NoSchedule - key: key2 value: value2 effect: NoExecute
Use the kubernetes
variable to configure optional settings for the cluster.
The variable includes these sub-sections.
Use this section to configure the system to rotate the TLS certificates for control plane nodes by triggering a rollout of these certificates before they expire. Control plane certificate rotation is available for all new and existing control plane nodes. See Automatically rotating certificates using Kubeadm Control Plane provider for more information.
Field Name | Expected Type | Example | Default | Required |
enabled | boolean | false |
true |
No |
renewalDaysBeforeExpiry | integer | 100 |
90 |
No |
To avoid automatic certificate rotation on the control plane nodes, explicitly set enabled
to false
An array of one or more fully qualified domain names (FQDN). The Kubernetes API certificate that is generated includes each of the FQDNs that have been supplied through this field. The system populates the kubeconfig
with the first FQDN from the list, and assumes it is resolvable. If you want to use a different FQDN from the list, you can manually edit the generated kubeconfig
file with the specific FQDN from the variable list.
Use this section to configure Kubernetes specific security settings, for example, podSecurityStandard
- podSecurityStandard
- Use this section to configure cluster-wide pod security. With TKr v1.26 and later, by default pod security (PSA) restrictions are enforced at the namespace level using annotation labels. See Configure PSA for TKR 1.25 and Later.
variable at the cluster level. Overriding at the control plane or on a per node pool level does not yield different results since these properties are applicable to the cluster as a whole.
variables: - name: kubernetes value: certificateRotation: enabled: true renewalDaysBeforeExpiry: 99 endpointFQDNs: - fqdn1.cluster.internal - security: podSecurityStandard: deactivated: false audit: privileged auditVersion: v1.27 enforce: restricted enforceVersion: latest warn: baseline warnVersion: latest
is an optional variable to set vSphere specific settings for the cluster.
This variable has a single sub-section.
This section supports options related to the persistent volumes on the cluster. It supports propagating the storage classes and volume snapshots classes to be available in the cluster as well as setting the default values for both options.
- availableStorageClasses
The list of
storage classes that should be made available in the cluster. Each value in this list should be the name of a vSphere storage profile that has been assigned to the
vSphere Namespace where the cluster is provisioned. This is an optional field and accepts an array of strings. When the field is empty, all storage profiles associated with the
vSphere Namespace will be made available in the cluster. Use the command
kubectl get storageclass
in the cluster to list the storage classes available for use. - defaultStorageClass
default storage class for the provisioned cluster. This value should be present in the list of available storage classes, if the
field is set. This is an optional field and accepts a string. The output of the commandkubectl get storageclass
will show if a storage class has been marked as default. The
denotes whether a class is default. - availableSnapshotClasses
The list of
volume snapshot classes available for the provisioned cluster. This is an optional field and accepts an array of strings. When the field is empty, no volume snapshot classes are available in the cluster. Use the command
kubectl get volumesnapshotclass
in the cluster to list the volume snapshot classes available for use. - defaultVolumeSnapshotClass
The default volume snapshot class for the provisioned cluster. This value should be present in the list of available volume snapshot classes, if the
field is set. This is an optional field and accepts a string. The output of the command kubectl get volumesnapshotclass will show if a volume snapshot class has been marked as default. The "true"
denotes whether a class is default.
variable at the cluster level. Overriding at the control plane or on a per node pool level does not yield different results since these properties are applicable to the cluster as a whole.
variables: - name: vsphereOptions value: persistentVolumes: availableStorageClasses: - storage-class-foo - storage-class-bar defaultStorageClass: storage-class-bar availableVolumeSnapshotClasses: - vol-snapclass-foo - vol-snapclass-bar defaultVolumeSnapshotClass: vol-snapclass-bar
is an optional variable used to define the OS level configurations for the cluster nodes.
The variable includes the following subsections.
This is an optional array of the domain name of the NTP server. The NTP server is added into the cluster variable at cluster creation. After the cluster creation, you manage the server name rotation or any other updates by manually updating the cluster variable.
If not specified, a default is selected during the time of cluster creation.
This is an optional input to reference a proxy server for outbound cluster connections.
Multiple child fields under this section include the following.
- http
A required input that references the URI of a proxy server that is configured to manage outbound HTTP connections from the TKG cluster. You can connect to the proxy server using HTTP. If an authenticated proxy is used, the format should be
http: http://<user>:<pwd>@<ip>:<port>
. - https
A required input that references the URI of a proxy server that is configured to manage outbound HTTPS connections from the TKG cluster. HTTPS connections are not supported. If an authenticated proxy is used, the format should be
https: http://<user>:<pwd>@<ip>:<port>
. - noProxy
A required input that takes as input an array of strings. Obtain the values from the SupervisorWorkload Network. The Namespace Network, Ingress, and Egress subnets must be included in the field. You do not need to include the Services subnet in the noProxy field. The TKG cluster does not interact with this subnet. You do not need to include the
and theclusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks
in the noProxy field. These endpoints are automatically not proxied for you.
This is an optional input object for adding TLS certificates to the cluster, either additional CAs or end certificates.
It has a single sub-section.
An optional input to specify user credentials. It specifies the SSH login credentials including username, password, and authorized keys. You can use this to add a user's SSH key to cluster nodes for remote SSH access.
The password needs to be hashed and stored in a secret in the same namespace where the cluster is provisioned. The passwordSecret object references this secret. For example, on Linux you can generate a safe hash using mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds=4096
. See Including users and groups for details.
If this is not specified, a default user with the vmware-system-user
username is added for SSH access.
variable at the cluster level. Overriding at the control plane or on a per node pool level does not yield different results since these properties are applicable to the cluster as a whole.
variables: - name: osConfiguration value: ntp: servers: - ntp.test systemProxy: http: https: noProxy: - no.proxy.test1 - no.proxy.test2 trust: additionalTrustedCAs: - caCert: secretRef: key: trust-ca-test1 name: "trust-ca-secret-1" - caCert: # For existing clusters which are auto rebased to new CC from version 3.2 onwards # the name falls back to <cluster-name>-user-trusted-ca-secret. secretRef: key: trust-ca-test2 name: "" - caCert: # Plain text CA cert can be added using the `content` key content: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEczCCA1ugAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAD..AkGA1UEBhMCR0Ix EzARBgNVBAgTClNvbWUtU3RhdGUxFDASBgNVBAoTC0..0EgTHRkMTcwNQYD VQQLEy5DbGFzcyAxIFB1YmxpYyBQcmltYXJ5IENlcn..XRpb24gQXV0aG9y aXR5MRQwEgYDVQQDEwtCZXN0IENBIEx0ZDAeFw0wMD..TUwMTZaFw0wMTAy MDQxOTUwMTZaMIGHMQswCQYDVQQGEwJHQjETMBEGA1..29tZS1TdGF0ZTEU MBIGA1UEChMLQmVzdCBDQSBMdGQxNzA1BgNVBAsTLk..DEgUHVibGljIFBy aW1hcnkgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkxFD..AMTC0Jlc3QgQ0Eg THRkMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCg..Tz2mr7SZiAMfQyu vBjM9OiJjRazXBZ1BjP5CE/Wm/Rr500PRK+Lh9x5eJ../ANBE0sTK0ZsDGM ak2m1g7oruI3dY3VHqIxFTz0Ta1d+NAjwnLe4nOb7/..k05ShhBrJGBKKxb 8n104o/5p8HAsZPdzbFMIyNjJzBM2o5y5A13wiLitE..fyYkQzaxCw0Awzl kVHiIyCuaF4wj571pSzkv6sv+4IDMbT/ rvZ8RQM1tlKdoMHg2qxraAV++HNBYmNWs0duEdjUbJ..XI9TtnS4o1Ckj7P OfljiQIDAQABo4HnMIHkMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQ8urMCRL..5AkIp9NJHJw5TCB tAYDVR0jBIGsMIGpgBQ8urMCRLYYMHUKU5AkIp9NJH..aSBijCBhzELMAkG A1UEBhMCR0IxEzARBgNVBAgTClNvbWUtU3RhdGUxFD..AoTC0Jlc3QgQ0Eg THRkMTcwNQYDVQQLEy5DbGFzcyAxIFB1YmxpYyBQcm..ENlcnRpZmljYXRp b24gQXV0aG9yaXR5MRQwEgYDVQQDEwtCZXN0IENBIE..DAMBgNVHRMEBTAD AQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4IBAQC1uYBcsSncwA..DCsQer772C2ucpX xQUE/C0pWWm6gDkwd5D0DSMDJRqV/weoZ4wC6B73f5..bLhGYHaXJeSD6Kr XcoOwLdSaGmJYslLKZB3ZIDEp0wYTGhgteb6JFiTtn..sf2xdrYfPCiIB7g BMAV7Gzdc4VspS6ljrAhbiiawdBiQlQmsBeFz9JkF4..b3l8BoGN+qMa56Y It8una2gY4l2O//on88r5IWJlm1L0oA8e4fR2yrBHX..adsGeFKkyNrwGi/ 7vQMfXdGsRrXNGRGnX+vWDZ3/zWI0joDtCkNnqEpVn..HoX -----END CERTIFICATE----- user: passwordSecret: key: user-secret-key-test name: user-secret-name-test sshAuthorizedKey: sshAuthorizedKeyTest... user: customuser
is an optional variable can be used to configure resource requirements for the Kubernetes components.
This variable has a single sub-section.
Supports specifying the CPU and memory resources reserved for system processes. This information is passed as a kubelet argument to the Kubelet process on the nodes, specifically --system-reserved
For more information about the flag, see the upstream Kubernetes kubelet docs.
The fields under this section include the following.
- cpu
Describes the number of CPU cores reserved for system processes. Inputs should be of type
Quantity. For a detailed explanation of CPU resource units in Kubernetes, refer to
Meaning of CPU.
An example input value of 1 describes 1 virtual CPU core.
- memory
- Describes the memory resources reserved for system processes. Inputs should be of type Quantity. For a detailed explanation of memory resource units in Kubernetes, refer to Meaning of Memory.
- automatic
Configures the automatic calculation of system reserved resources. The default value is
If this section is left unset, these values are calculated automatically.
variable can be overridden at the control plane or on a per node pool level to set the volume mount for specific node groups.
variables: - name: resourceConfiguration value: systemReserved: cpu: 1 memory: 4G automatic: false
is a deprecated field and is only present for backwards compatibility.
Use kubernetes.endpointFQDNs
is a deprecated field and is only present for backwards compatibility.
This value is computed internally and does need to be set.